Chapter 7

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Selena's P.O.V

We got seated at our table Dad was to my left and Kenny was to my Right, I hated the seating plan because I was stuck up the top with all the males and I felt like dying there and then.

"So Selena how you liking Atlanta So far'?' Ry Good ask I shrugged my shoulders.

''It's alright from what I seen so far but me and daddy and going to explore it sometime soon, isn't that right dad?" I asked with the most cheesy smile known to man kind.

"Sure thing pumpkin whatever you like." the guys laughed.

I got to know Justin's crew a lot better. I have a feeling me and Kenny will be great buds he such a down to earth guy we get on like a house on fire and for Ry Good that kid is "hil-wait for it-arious ". We pretty much talked from everything from my life to theirs, I even had a decent conversation with Justin which is a start huh the kid isn't too bad wasn't all cocky but it could be an act, after a while they started to talk about work and I completely zoned out I decide to text Becky on the sly under the table, not very lady like texting during dinner


To: Becky baby :)

Hey hey my lovely how you doing ;) xx

From: Becky baby :)

Selyyyy OMG I thought you forgot about me lol, how's ATL huh, any nice boys ;) meet any celebs, I miss you loads, it's totally not the same without you :( oh yes I found out we get the LC results on the 18July :) xxx

To: Becky baby :)

Me forget about you ?NEVER lol, its alrigth so far I suppose only went shopping with mum and Bella other than that haven't seen it much, nope no fit guys yet ;(... erm well you'll never guess who friends with Dylan ? I'll give you a guess, Baby baby baby baby oh, I miss you too babe, I'll visit don't worry. Ah really I'll give them off the internet thou but you can collect mine and hold them till I'm back or whatever :) xx

From: Becky baby :)

Shopping ugh you lucky son of a bitch ;) no fucking way JUSTIN BIEBER is your BROTHER'S friend?? Damn dude did he try it on you yet? Cut his little Bieber wiener off ;) ye I Hold them for you, so what you up to anyway? Xxx

To: Becky baby :)

muhahaha we will hit the shops when you guys visit:) , yes fucking way, ha-ha ye he did but I just told him to back off, but he not tOo bad I suppose, mmmh ;) I just at Dinner with the family and Bieber crew, Baby Gurlllllll I got to go before someone catches me texting during dinner :(, I'll speak soon loveeeyou hunnnayy ;) xxx

I sighed looking up at the table, this meal is getting even more boring that's a fact like come on who the hell can sit here and talk about work so much, and where is this god damn food I feel like I'm going to fade away my belly is like a bomb going off right now.

"Was that your stomach? " Dad whispered laughing in my ear.

''Uh huh I fading away here dad how long will the fo-" I was cut off by the waiters coming over with our meals..

''Finally I was just about to fade away, this smells so good. " I said which made every one chuckle at me , I smiled at them and dug into my food. I Ate my dinner in peace with a little conversation here and there, I started to think about how much I have actually missed out on my family's life the past year and how their talking about stories I never heard off, it's sort of making me uncomfortable, but then again it's my own fault I stay back home. I inwardly frowned at the thought, how I would like to go back there I'd get to see aunt Cam, Ricky, my friends, get my dance school back, I missed dancing , it's been over a week I feel empty without it, it's like a drug to me literally.

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