Chapter 13

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Justin's P.O.V
"JUSTIN GET UP!" I heard mom shout from down stairs ,I got up went into the bathroom and got showered got out dried mySelf and got changed. After getting ready I grabbed my phones and keys and went down the stairs to the kitchen and had something to eat.

"So how was last night?" mom asked with a big grin I chuckled.

"Yeah it was amazing, she's a great girl." I said putting my head down, I could feel my cheeks heating up mom laughed quitely.

"yes she is , just don't hurt her I really like her." she said walking out of the room, this is great at least mom approves of her if anything ever happen with Selena I don't need to worry about mom, mom wasn't coming with me to rehearsal today she was busy I gave her a hug and headed to my car. I drove to rehearsal smiling thinking back to last night, I got out of the car and headed to the Arena with Kenny following me from getting out of his car. I hope I see Selena before they start rehearsing; I walked in the back entrance.

"Yo talking JB Mama Jan wants you." Kenny said smirking from beside me, I nodded and walked to the green room to be greeted by my team.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked looking at their smiling faces they all looked at each other waiting for someone to same something.

"How was the date?" Fredo asked I groaned how the hell did they find out.

"How the hell did you guys find out?" I asked them while sitting on the sofa.

"Well I went over to Mark's last night and he told me, so I texted everybody and told them our little Justin has a crush." Scooter said laughing causing my face to turn red and everyone to laugh with him.

"No I Don't she is Just a friend." I said admiring my shoes.

"Ye cause we all bring our ''friend's" to the top restaurants." Ry good said coming over Patten me on the shoulder and walking out of the room followed by others leaving laughing as they do so.

''Right so what are the plans today?" I asked Scooter since the embarrassment is over.

"Well you're going to do vocals with Mama Jan today and we will start with your dancing tomorrow since you know the dances so today it's just really getting Selena up to tack since everyone else knows the drill." he said looking up from his phone

"Oh and Friday you need an opening act she'll be here in a hour.''he said walking out. Great I didn't even know I was having one and I don't even know what There name is. Everyone else clear out of the room and me and Mama Jan got to work , it was about 1 when we called it a day , I walked out of the green room and walked towards the stage to see if I could see Selena on the way I bumped into someone.

''Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking were I was going." I said helping the girl I dumped into up to her feet.

"It's k, anyway I'm Kiki your opening act." she winked I nodded, I could tell already she is a girl who puts it out.

"Ah Justin I see you have met Kiki, why don't you bring her down to the stage and check out the dancer's." Scooter said leading us to the concert hall. I walked in and seen Selena , oh god she looks hot , I must have been staring at her for a while because I didn't have a clue what Scooter was saying, we sat down on and me and Kiki got talking, she seems Nice , hate to say it but my flirty side came out. I'd say we were flirting for over an hour and being all touchy , then out of nowhere she kisses me, I don't know why but I kissed her back for a while, then I realised what I was doing just as I was pulling back I heard my dancer shouting things like " GET SOME JB, THATA BOY" I just laughed at the idiots then it hit me like a ton of bricks , Selena was there looking at me , I could see the hurt in her eyes, I couldn't believe what I had just done, I've been in here for ages and they obviously seen me, Selena said goodbye to everyone and smiled It was a forced smile dough, I got to my feet living the girl behind calling after me and I ran after her, I had to sort this out, I only got her to like me and couldn't stand her hating me.

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