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*imagine in high school year, Chris is a new student in your school*

You sat in your seat in the corner of the huge noisy class room. The other students talked among themselves, neither of them would even glance your way.

'I wish people would talk to me' you would say everyday to yourself. Suddenly your teacher shushed the class. Next to her stood a boy. His hair spiked up from the front, his teeth were perfectly straight and pearly white.

"Class this is Christopher Evans, he will be joining us this year" she said with a smile. "Please sit wherever you want" she told him. He nodded and looked around. Immediately all the girls pointed to their seat next to them. He just smiled and kept on walking. You looked down to your plaid skirt.

He stood in front of your desk "um excuse me, is this seat taken?" He asked you. You looked up with a blush "um ah no" you took your bag away to clear the seat for him. When he sat down the girls started whispering about you.

"Thanks, I'm Chris" he extended his hand. You took it shyly "I..I'm (y/n)" he grinned widely. "It's nice to meet you (y/n)"

The most popular girl in your school stood up and walked up to him as she chewed her bubble gum. "Hey do you want to sit with us, you don't have to sit with this thing" she said with a preppy voice. He furrowed his eyebrows "no thank you and she's not a thing, she's a pretty girl and her name is (y/n)"

Her eyes widen "pretty girl?" She bursted out laughing "she's not pretty, she's far from being presentable" she added.

"Um excus-" you stopped him "it's okay Chris" you quietly said. "No it's not okay, some fake Barbie can't come here and talk to you like this" he glared at her.

Her mouth and eyes went wide "fake Barbie?!" She stomped her foot. "I am not a fake Barbie" she crossed her arms. He rolled his eyes. "Look I really don't care if you believe me or not but you should go sit with the other Barbies" he points to her friends.

Your eyes widen and looked at him. "Ugh you just did a huge mistake" she flipped her beach blonde hair to a side. "Don't care" Chris smiled innocently.

She huffed and left.

"Woah...." You breathed out. He looked at you. "What?" He smiled at you. "No one has ever defended me like that" you blushed lightly. His smile grew "well I couldn't a pretty girl get talked that way"

You blushed a deeper red causing him to laugh softly.

"Alright class settle down, settle down" the teacher said walking to her desk. As she talked Chris tapped your elbow while he looked forward. "Friends?" He whispered with a small smile. "Friends" you whispered back with a smile.

Hope you liked this imagine hehe and thanks for the 5k views!! ❤️

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