» Steve

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imagine steve loosing you during the war in wakanda.

— infinity war spoilers —

Between the dust and blood, you stood there in disbelief. Holding your weapon in both of your hands, you stayed still when the war now away from where you stood. Steve, your boyfriend had told you, begged you to stay where you were. You couldn't help but follow his instructions, especially how horrified you felt in that moment. You waited and waited for his return but he didn't come- 'maybe he's too busy and is fighting Thanos himself..' you thought but that brought chills to your spine and a sick feeling to your stomach. Oh how you wanted to be in his arms once more but he had to fight. He knew and you knew it was the right thing to do.

Leaning on a tree, you placed the weapon down on the ground, in front of you. You reached down to your pocket and took out a small photo of the two of you. It was a beautiful, cloudless, day. You and Steve had decided to go to a picnic somewhere secluded and where both of you would have a gorgeous view.

— flashback of that day —

"Darlin' I want you to remember that I'll always love you." Steve spoke in a soft, tender tone. His arm wrapped around you to hold you close. You glanced up to him and kissed his chiseled jawline, "I'll always love you too." You replied softly.

— end of flashback —

You pressed the photo up against your chest, letting a short sigh as a tear rolled down your dirty cheek. In a way, you thought of yourself selfish for wanting him there with you and not fighting with his team on effort to stop Thanos. You hated the fact that he was there, risking his life for others but you had to accept it. Steve Rogers was and will always be a hero.

While you remained by the tree, Steve was on the ground. Everything was pulsing from the pain. The strike Thanos had given him and the strength he had to stop the Goliath with his two hands was all too much for him. Suddenly he heard the snap. His heart sank down to the pit of his stomach, expecting something to happen immediately but everything was silent. Steve pushed himself up from the ground with a soft groan, he pushed into his ear piece but it was silent.

"Steve.." Bucky's voice was heard. Steve turned and his eyes widen as he saw his best friend turn into dust. He walked over in utter disbelief and for a second he thought it was all a illusion but it wasn't. He got on one knee and looked down at the pile of dust. His whole chest then ached when a horrible feeling started to grow. "(Y/N)." He breathed out and quickly stood up, and ran to where you were.

Steve ignored all the pain he felt and pushed himself to run faster. His breathing got heavy when he started to see the tree where you stood behind it. He slowed down when he was close and hurriedly stood in front of you. You looked up as you held the photo still, "Steve..I.." you glanced down at your hand as it was turning into dust. You looked up to him as tears ran down your cheeks, and so did his. His eyes filled with sorrow and heartbreak to see go. "I love you." He says and right when you were going to say it, you turn into the dust and slowly drifts off into the wind. 

His eyes widen and his breath hitched as all the color of his face flushed away. It was a horrific feeling, a feeling he hadn't felt since he last lost Peggy. The only two women he had ever truly loved in his life. Now the both of you were gone and there was nothing he could do about it.  


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