»chrisxlyndsey pt.2

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Requested: lyndseybishwhet
Happy birthday! ❤️


You shook your head "no I don't even know his name" you wiped your tears away but more came. "Don't worry Lynds I'll be here for you and the baby" he smiled.

You sniffed "really, Why?" You pulled away a bit. "Because you're my best friend and I..I love you" he smiled with a small blush. You giggled and kissed his cheek "love you too"

"Don't worry about that guy, I'm here" he grinned and hugged you. "Thanks Chris" you said as you looked at the photo when both of you were dressed up in tutus. You smiled warmly and closed your eyes, feeling safe in his arms.

9 months later

"Ugh come on" you groaned as you tried to reach for a cup that fell of the counter, but your big round tummy wouldn't let you reach it. Chris walked into the apartment "hey Lynds..oh let me get that for you" he quickly got it.

"Thanks" you smiled, but then it dropped. "I can't do anything" you began to cry, ever since you got pregnant you have been very emotional. Chris hugged you, "shh it's alright don't cry" he soothed. You sniffed "d..did you get pizza?" You asked. He laughed "yes, and chocolate strawberries" you grinned and quickly ran to the pizza box.

You opened the pizza box and licked your lips before taking a piece. "Mmm delicious" you closed your eyes with a smile as you chewed. Chris smiled and took a piece. As you ate, the baby kicked making you drop the pizza "woah there" you rubbed your tummy. He got up and walked to you "are you okay Lynds?" He asked worriedly. You nodded "yeah.. I'm alright" you kept on rubbing your tummy.

After both of you ate, you left to the bedroom and laid down. Your eyes slowly closed, before you could fall asleep, you felt something wet. At first you ignored it but then you felt the bed wet. You flung the blankets away and saw your blankets wet. Suddenly a strong contraction hit you "agh!" You yelled in pain, and you panted. Chris ran in almost falling, "what's wrong?"

"M..my water ah!" You yelled again. He nodded and ran to the closet and grabbed a bag, that he prepared for this moment. You breathed heavily as you held your stomach. "Oh god" you shut your eyes tightly as another contraction came.

Chris helped you to the car. He drove to the nearest hospital. He helped you out and into the emergency room. The nurses immediately took you. Chris tried to follow but a nurse stopped him "sorry sir but please stay he-"

"No! Chris please come with me.. I need you" you cried with pain. Chris lightly pushed the nurse and held your hand.

They took you into a room and laid you down in a bed. They moved Chris, but you held his hand "don't g..go" you pleaded. "I'm not going anywhere Lynds" he smiled and kissed your head.

Another contraction came, but this one was stronger than the others. "OH GOD" you yelled as hot tears ran down your cheeks. "I'm here darling, I'm here don't worry" he whispered into your ear.

18 hours later

You slept in a warm hospital bed, Chris walked in with a huge smile on his face. In his arms he held a pink blanket, and in that blanket there was a beautiful baby girl, Anna. When Chris saw her for the first time he instantly fell in love and swore to take care and love you and her.

He sat down next to your bed as he lightly rocked Anna. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, with a small groan. Chris looked up with a smile, "hey sleeping beauty"

You looked at him, "hey" your voice a bit raspy. "Anna is beautiful just like you" he said looking at her and then you. You blushed "thank you Chris and thank you for being here" you reached for his hand. He grabbed it and kissed it softly.

He sat next to you, with one hand he cupped your cheek and kissed you. You were stunned at first but then melted into the sweet, tender kiss. After what seemed years he pulled away slightly and laid his forehead against yours.

"I love you Chris"

"And I love you" he smiled and kissed your lips again.

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