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They call me Project Q, though I know that's not my actual name. My real name is Rose. About eight years ago I was taken from my family to be experimented on and put through torture and training by an organization called the Shadow Room. I have telekinesis, what they call "Rainbow Eyes", where my eyes change color to my emotions, though the tips of my hair do that, too, and I also have super strength and pyrokinesis, the power to control fire and whenever I get mad my hair rises, resembling actual flames.

Over my eight years, I have made a friend, James. He was actually sold by his family to this putrid place. Whenever I think of being sold for experimentation I cringe. I couldn't even imagine how he could've gone through that.

James has short, blonde hair, one blue and one green eye, a photographic memory, very highlighted jawbones, and very broad shoulders. He also has powers like plant manipulation. He can form plants out of anywhere he wants and controls what they do.

On the night that I was captured I was out for my usual nightly walk in the park when I heard a scream. The scream of pain. It came from a deep and steely voice and I thought I should try to help. As I started walking towards where the sound had come from (the woodsy area to my left) and veering off the path, things started to get more and more creepy.

No. Not creepy. That's an understatement. Petrifying.

Then I heard a snap from behind me and immediately I knew that I was lured into a trap. As I turned around a group of black-clothed people. Judging by height and features there was four guys and two girls. Then there was a sudden prick on my neck and then darkness consumed me.

Not too long after, I woke up in some kind of armored vehicle strapped to a gurney tight to the point where I couldn't move. The only things I could move was my chest and my head. I looked around to find four people sitting on the bench next to me and the other two were in the driver and passenger seats. I later found out who they were.

There's Doctor Xen, the doctor who does all of the physical studies. He had brown hair but recently dyed it white. He has brown eyes and isn't that physically active. He was the one on the far left.

There's also the doctor who calls herself The Witch Doctor and she's got blonde hair with natural brown highlights. She's the power doctor, the one who experiments with our powers.

Then there's the always elegant Doctor Shrill. He's got steely silver hair that matches his eyes and he's very muscular. He looks as if he should be the physical studies doctor. Though he acts as if he's a real prince, he's actually quite sweet at times and he can be very very mean. This might be because he's the doctor who studies emotions so he usually toys with them.

Finally, there was the last doctor on the far right, Doctor Merely, a sweet, sweet doctor who understood us and felt our pain. He was later tried for treason and hung for his "crime". He was the doctor who studied our behavior and so he sat outside our cells, watching us.

The facility only has two patients, more like prisoners. James and me. There have been a few escape attempts made by us but we have not, yet succeeded. See, there are very elaborate ruses and boobytraps for each room and there are about 50 in the shortest route to the outside.

They are disabled with a passcode, a different passcode for each room. Merely had helped us try to escape by giving us the passcodes to the 50 some doors for the quickest route to the outside world, which I haven't seen in the past eight years. But we were stopped in our tracks by the guards in the 50th room. We were so close, only to have it stripped away.

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