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I wake up on the floor with a monster headache. I rub my hands and sit up, quickly realizing that I'm chained to a cement wall behind me. I look around, starting to panic a little bit. This place is very dark and grey. There are barred windows in my cell. Yes, cell. In front of me is about a five by five foot door which is barred. There's a small slot on the bottom which is what I'm guessing is used for food. The rest is all brick. Water drops are able to be heard in the background, but they're not close. Distant. Very distant.
I then look at my hands. The left hand is all better. The cut is gone with no evidence of it ever existing besides the fact of my hand being covered in dry blood. I feel my head where the guard hit me and... Nothing. What's going on? How did I get here? I'm still wearing the uniforms that we had to wear at the Shadow Room.
Let's see. The last thing I remember is James holding me and then... Nothing. Wait. James! Where is he? Is he okay? And what about Anoura? Is she okay? Where am I?
I look at the chains on my wrist. This will be easy to break with my superhuman strength and all. I wrap a part of the chain from my left wrist around my right hand and pull, activating my powers. The chain breaks almost instantly. I do the same to the other side without much trouble. I get up and walk over to the bars on the front of the cell and try to peer around, looking for other cells like mine.
Wait. I didn't even notice the cell across from me. I peer into it and faintly see a figure inside, laying on the floor. Is that James? Is it Anoura?
It's too dark to see that well. Plus their back is turned to me.
I have to find either James or Anoura. Now, do I bend the bars, or melt them? Melting them would mean I need to get really angry so I think I'll just bend them. I put my hands I between two bars and concentrate on using my powers again. After a few minutes, the bars give way with ease with just enough room for me to squeeze through. The cell across from mine looks exactly like mine. I look around to the left for people coming and there's at least a dozen other cells. I look right and there's, again, about a dozen more cells. Jeez.
Why are these here?
I bend the bars to the other cell and step in, creating a little light with my hand as I lightly lite it on fire. I use my other hand to tap on the person in the cell. Nothing. I walk to face them and the person is no other than James.
"James!" I whisper, kneeling over and shaking him. In a few seconds, he comes to and looks at me in a funny way.
"Rose? Rose! How did you get here?" He whispers back, starting to sit up. His hands are chained as well. He looks behind him at the bent bars.
"Oh no. Rose. If they found out you did this... They'll punish you." He whispers, worriedly.
I look at him closely. He has a bruise on his forehead.
"What happened?" I ask.
"We got here. They took you from me, then knocked both me and Anoura out. They got her first."
"Well, we need to go get Anoura." I whisper, putting my fire out then proceeding to break James's chains as I did mine, except using both hands on his chains.
He and I stand up and quietly walk out of the cell. I take a left and James goes right. I look in the cells next to ours and there's nothing.
"Over here." I hear James say.
I walk over and Anoura is leaning against the wall, looking to be unconscious. I bend the bars to her cell and step in. I start to break her chains while James wakes her up. Once she knows who woke her up, she sighs gently.
"I'm glad to see you guys." She whispers.
Suddenly, we hear heavy footsteps approaching. We freeze in fear. A second later, I can see the figure of a man peering into the cell. I can hear James's voice calling my name and telling me to wake up. I look over to him and he isn't moving. So how is he... Wait. This is a dream.
I jolt awake and close my eyes because the lift is so bright. As soon as I can, I open my eyes and look to my left to find James sitting in a chair, his left arm in a sling.
"Hey, Rose." He says.

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