Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I was jumping around Nicole’s room, and that woke her up. She then said tired, “What are you doing? I am sleeping.”

“Nick texted me!!” I replied with excitement. 

Which quickly woke her up and she too jumped around the room. I didn’t know what to say back because it had been a year since I really had a crush on someone. 

“What should I say back?” I asked Nicole for her advice.

“Say like Hey or something?” She answered with no help at all.

Hey Nick! :) - Cara

I answered his text nervously. 

I left Nicole’s after I washed up so I could get my hair dyed for school soon. When I got to the hair dresser she dyed my hair a dark purple just like I had always wanted. It wasn’t a dramatic change it was more like streaks of dark purplish redish going through my hair and I really liked it. After I was done I paid the lady and got in the car to check my phone and drive home. I had a text from Nick,

Hey! Cara? You put that name in my phone so I am assuming that is your name, Lol. What are you up to? -Nick

Yes thats me! :P I just got done at the hair dresser, what are you up to? -Cara

Just wanted to see if you wanted to get some pizza with me tonight? :) -Nick

I would love that! -Cara

I’ll pick you up at 7, just send me the adress :) -Nick

I put my phone down with a smile and drove off. I didn’t know Nick very well, all I knew is he was super attractive and shy from what I gathered. I was excited and nervous for the “date” tonight. I had no clue what I would wear but I knew I had to text my friends to tell them I was actually doing this. My mom always told me not to text and drive to I waited until I got home. 

I showered, straightened my hair, and put my make up. Considering it was 6pm now and was getting pick up in an hour. I never actually went out on a date with anyone. I’ve had high school relationships but they never took me out on a date before the title boyfriend and girlfriend. I think that was dumb. I was thinking about all of the things I would ask him when on this “date”. I didn’t know how old he was, he looked my age or older. I didn’t know what school he went to, college or high school. I was hoping he wasn’t like 20 or anything. 

I picked out a black dress, I loved wearing black, but not to the point where I was goth. I wore my hair down, it was hitting my lower back. and I wore sandals. I brought a jacket just in case. I put a few accessories like rings and some earrings. I was very pleased with the way my hair turned out. I got a text from Nick at 6:55pm saying he was on his way. I was nervous so I texted my friends before he got here. 

Nervous help me out here! -Cara

You will do fine, be yourself he will love you! -Nicole

Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do ;) -Allie

The next thing I know the door bell rang.

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