Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

“Hey” I heard beside me, so I turned and Nick was standing there. I was sober this time and he looked perfect as usual. 

“Hi..” I said showing a slight smile.

“I am so sorry.. The girl I have been dating, Tiffany, I only dated because I missed you.” he paused and took a seat on the bench. “You broke up with me out of the blue and I didn’t know what to say. You have been there with me through the hardest parts of my life. I thought you broke up with me because you couldn’t take the pressure of it anymore, but I wanted to ask you the real reason today.” He said putting his head up to look at me.

“You cheated on me with that Tiffany girl... Nicole told me she saw you kissing her..” I said with an angry expression on my face.

“”No I didn’t?” He said looking really confused.

“Well why would Nicole lie to me...?” I asked him, really asking my self.

“I don’t know.. But the reason we didn’t speak for awhile was because I worked double shifts at work, and I had school. I was saving up to buy you something special for all you have done for me.” He said with his hazel puppy dog eyes.

“Oh my god.. Can I call you later I have to go talk to Nicole..?” I asked getting my things in a rush.

“Yeah sure, I miss you Cara. Just know that..” He said with a smirk as I walked away. 

I rushed home and on the way I bumped into Justin.. Of course. “Hey Cara! Fancy seeing you here” He smiled as he walked over to me.

“We go to the same school..” I said glancing at him with a stank face. 

“I know, just a joke.” He said smiling. “Mind if I join you, my class doesn’t start for another 20 minutes.” 

“Actually I am in a rush right now, I will text you later.” I jogged away, almost to the apartment.

I walked into the door and Nicole wasn’t there. I searched every inch of that apartment, and no sign of her. “Ella where is Nicole?” I asked her walking into her room.

“She said she was staying at a classmates house till late to study.” Ella answered in her soft voice she had. 

“Ugh, I gotta ask you a question then.” I jumped onto Ella’s bed.

“Go for it.” She said putting her pen down from doing homework.

“Nicole said she saw Nick kissing that blonde girl apparently her name is Tiffany. I just confronted Nick about it for the first time and he said he didn’t.. I don’t know why Nicole would lie to me about something like that.” I explained my situation to Ella. Her face turned to shock.

“Oh god... This just keeps getting better doesn’t it?” She said sarcastically. “You break up with Nick, finally you are getting better and Justin comes around. Then Nick comes back, and now you have Justin and Nick.” 

“Damn, I forgot about Justin. I can’t lead him on if Nick is telling the truth, I want Nick.” I said with a worried face.

“You also have to decided which one is better for you.. And don’t forget about Nicole!” She said softly and started picking up her tone.

“I have to find her pronto.” I said getting off the bed and walking to the door.

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