Spin the bottle.

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The next issue we came to was: what happens if it's two girls? The guys all said we had to kiss but then refused to kiss each other if it was two guys. If you haven't already learned, I hate double standards, so this didn't sit well with me. In the end, Lenn and I were yet again voted out.

For some reason, I was first, so I spun an old, glass coke bottle and guess who it landed on.... No guesses? Well, it was Laken.

"Fuck no. Gross. This is already off to a bad start!" I whine.

"Kiss my cheek."

"Does that count?" Lenn asks.

"It has to, you can't spin again if you don't like it," Laken answers.

"Okay," I sigh, "Give me your cheek," I then direct him to spin.

Laken's spin lands on Peyton. With Lennon's snarky comment about it being luck, and Isaac's about it not needing to be a seven minutes in heaven type thing, Peyton and Lake kissed.

With my fucking luck, Peyton's spin lands on me. I tell her no tongue and she leans over and kisses me. Kinky bitch.

Zander and Isaac spew a multitude of comments about how hot it was and how we should have kept going, Laken on the other hand tells me to back off his woman.

"So am I supposed to spin again? Or how does that work?" I question.

To answer, Lenn nods her head yes and so I reach for the bottle and spin again.

The bottle spins agonizingly slow, I honestly just wanted to get the game over with. As the bottle stops, I can feel my breath hitch in my throat and I look over at the boy to my left.

Besides Peyton, which didn't count in my opinion, I've never been kissed. Isaac is going to be the first boy I kiss and I don't know how I should feel. Happy that it's my best friend, that I won't lose my first kiss to some douche that doesn't feel the same about me as I do him? Or worried that this will just make things awkward, similar to the situation at the ice rink?

I glance over at him and he leans down to whisper in my ear, "Would you mind me being your first kiss? I can just say no if you don't want me to."

"It's fine, I don't mind."

As he leans in, I begin to block out all the shouts of how cute we are and how Lennon "Ships Isley" and I close my eyes. Isaac puts his hand up to my face and our lips meet.

I know this is going to sound so cliché but it was magical. His lips were so soft, and gentle. His hand moved to my hair and I felt the kiss deepen as our tongues intertwined.

He then leans over and whispers in my ear saying, "Did you enjoy that?"

I then responded with a giggle while nodding my head. He could tell that I was really jittery and happy so he grabbed my hand trying to calm me down before he grabs the bottle with his other hand to spin.

It's now Isaac's turn and I'm like praying it doesn't land on one of the girls here unless it's me. Thankfully it landed on my brother, Laken, although that's reassuring it's also really weird.

"Come here, Lakeypoo. Give me that cheek." Isaac says as he gets up to kiss Laken. Isaac then grabs my hand again after sitting back down next to me.

"My spin!" Laken basically screams damaging everyone's ears. His spin lands on Lennon which by far is the happiest moment of her life because of the love she has for my brother.

Laken looks over at her and whispers something in her ear causing her face to turn completely red. They then began to make out and I couldn't help but smile because I know my best friend is so happy at this moment.They stop eventually and I basically call a timeout or whatever so I can talk to Lenn and Peyton alone in my room.

We head up to my room and I'm just freaking out and shaking still. Isaac could tell and he texted as I was heading up the stairs. The text saying, "Calm down, babe. I loved it. Let's do it again sometime ;)". All I could do was smile.

"Dude, that kiss was perfect. You guys are perfect!" Peyton whisper-yells.

"I know. I'm still like shaking."I said holding up my hand to show how shakey I am.

"Don't think I didn't see that he grabbed your hand noticing that you were shakey!" Lenn states

"And I noticed you smiled down at your phone as we were coming up the stairs. Let me see it." Peyton says while holding out her hand. I opened the message and showed them both. After they read the message awhs seeped from their mouths.

"Okay, you guys are cute. But uh Peyton I've liked Laken for like ever and I felt you should know." Lenn admits to Peyton.

"We aren't really in a good relationship. I was actually thinking about breaking up. We argue all the time honestly." Peyton says. "But I have an idea because I like that little cutie friend you guys have -"

"ZANDER!" Lenn and I scream in perfect unison.

"Yes him. But I think I'll break up with Laken tonight and we can all have our little flings as in like Ridd and Isaac, Lennon and Laken, then like me and Zander." Peyton says just before taking out her phone to text Lake.

"What'd Lake say?" Lenn asks after hearing Peyton's phone vibrate.

"He said, 'I agree all we do is argue and I hope we can be friends. I kinda like Lenn so it's fine.'" Peyton says reading the text aloud.

"Okay, Let's get back out there and tell them your idea, Peyton," I say happily walking out of the room. When we get back into the livingroon we see the boys were watching the end of some horror movie on tv. So us girls just sit down next to the boys we want but because Isaac had laid back on the loveseat I just laid on top of him. Eventually, the movie went off and I began to get off of Isaac but he pulled me back down gently to make me stay.

"Hey, babe, you can't leave me." Isaac whispers in my ear after pulling me back on top of him.

"So uh Peyton had an idea!" Lenn said anxious to hook up with my brother.

"Yeah, so I think that we should all hang out like individually like a guy and a girl and you guys get to pick. So Isaac pick first." Peyton says. Isaac being distracted by flirting with me responds with "I'm sorry what?"

"Pick a girl." Lenn says. Isaac obviously picks me, Laken picked Lenn, and Zander didn't really have a choice.

"Okay. Come on, Lenn. Let's go to my room." Laken says while picking Lenn up bridal style and taking her up the stairs.

"Come on, Zander. Sit next to me." Peyton says grabbing his hand and pulling him closer.

"Come on, double "d". Let's get upstairs." Isaac says before putting me on his back and carrying me.

"This is why I hate you. Why do you even call me that?" I say while resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Kick the door and because when I got my first phone I spelled your name with one d and you said 'There's two d's like the double d's on our teacher.'" Isaac says while lauging and gently sitting me down on the bed.

"You got your first phone in the 4th grade." I say while laughing in utter embarrassment.

"Exactly." He responds with a wink and sitting down next to me.

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