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Isaac and I lay down on the bed and I began looking at the ceiling to think.

"Ridd, do you still like Zander?" Isaac says to me.

"Not really, Is." I respond while looking over at him

"Do you like me?"

"I wish I could say no but I can't say yes." I respond

"April and I got back together yesterday." He says a couple minutes later.

"What?!" I say sitting up.

"Please, don't be mad at me."

"I'm not, Isaac.That's great, she's a lucky girl." I say beginning to get up

"Ridd, Don't leave. I like you too. I just don't know how to handle this right now."

"No, Isaac, it's fine." I say walking out toward Laken's room to talk to Lenn. "Can I come in?" I say knocking on the door.

"Come in, Ridd." I hear Lenn say.

"Ridd, are you okay?" Laken says seeing that I'm upset.

"No, I'm definiitely not okay." I say pacing his room

"Ridd, sit down and what happened?" Lenn says

"April fucking happened." I respond while bouncing my leg.

"They're together again?" She almost screams. I just stood up and hugged her because I really needed one. Then all of a sudden I see Laken get up and walk toward the door. I grab him before he could go.

"Let go of me, Riddley." Laken says seriously.

"I will not and you will not say anything to him, please?" I say to him as we get out the door to go to the livingroom.

"Why are you so mad?" Isaac asks as soon as we got into the livingroom

"I'm not mad." I say trying to stay quiet

"C'mon, Ridd. Talk to me."

"I'm disappointed, okay? I'm disappointed you didn't say anything tonight before kissing me and flirting with me all night then telling me that you like me!" I scream

"I didn't want you to be mad because I know you don't like her."

"So was kissing me and flirting with me supposed to make me like her?" I say sarcastically.

"The kiss was just a game!" Isaac screams at me

"Oh, wow. Just a game. Okay. Laken, I'm gonna go skate and Lenn you're coming with me." I say

"It's two in the morning, Riddley." Laken responds

"I don't care." I say walking out the front door with Lenn not far behind.

"We'll be back." Lenn responds while closing the door. "Sorry but what the hell is wrong with him?" Lenn begins to talk to me.

"I don't know, dude. I really like him but I mean he's still my bestfriend. I feel like it's gonna be really awkward with him."

"Hey, dude. He's your bestfriend and you guys already flirt with each other. I'm not saying don't act like you don't have feelings for him but don't be all over him you know what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, I know what you're saying but do you realize how hard it's going to be for me to see him with April?"

"Hey, Riddley! Lenn!" I hear someone say from behind us basically interrupting our conversation so we stopped skating for a second to see who it was.

"Hey, Riker!" Lenn says back as we both sit on the curb.

"Hey, Ridd. Are you okay?"

"I'm great." I respond

"You don't sound too great." He says holding his hand out to help me up from the curb

"Well, I am. How are you?

"I'm okay." Riker answers my question as he all start to walk back toward our houses

"Hey, Riker, do you know what time it is?" Lenn asks

"It's three." Riker responds after looking at his watch.

"Fuck we've gotta go. Sorry, Riker! Bye!" Lenn says grabbing my arm and running while pulling me.

"Lenn, We have skateboards." I say stopping her.

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