girls night?

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"Isaac, I'm going home with Lenn today." I say just to remind him

"Oh yeah yeah and I'm going to hang with Jake." Is says as we get to his locker

"I know. Don't get arrested this time. My dad isn't in town to save your ass."

"I'll try not to but no promises, mommy."

"Don't call me, Mommy. I just want to make sure you don't get grounded before we can hang out again."

"Okay. I'll just try not to get caught. Hey, Lenn." Isaac says while closing his locker

"I thought I'd find you guys here since you weren't at Ridd's locker." Lenn says

"Yeah, I will be going home with you little miss." I say to Lenn while putting my arm around her left shoulder

"I wanna join!" Isaac says wrapping his arm around her right shoulder

"Shit, Is. I drove us here and I left my bag at home so would you be the best best boyfriend ever and take my car to go get my bag." I say letting go of Lenn

"Of course I will because I am the best best boyfriend ever." Isaac says letting go of Lenn as well

"Yes, you are." I respond kissing his cheek

"Ridd, you're off punishment now."

"Yay!" I say before kissing him on his lips finally

"Hey, no PDA!" Our chemistry teacher yells at us

"Hey, Hawkins!" we all say in unison.

"Holy shit, we spend too much time around each other." Lenn says

"Alright, here's the keys to my car, Is. Let's go Lenn." I say giving Isaac the keys

"Bye, guys. I'll be back with a bag of clothes." Isaac says before walking away

"Alright, can I just get this out of the way before anything else is said. Y'all are the cutest and I can't even deal." Lenn basically screams after Isaac was far enough away

"Well, thank you. You and Laken are cute too."

"Not as cute as y'all because I've been waiting for y'all to date for like 5 years." Lenn says as we walk toward her car

"Isaac and I have been friends for 6 years."

"Well, the first year I thought you would've been cute with Eric. Remember when you liked him!?" Lenn says jumping up and down

"Yes, It's funny because we're good friends now. Remember when you liked Jake!?" I say laughing so hard

"Shut up!" Lenn says laughing

"Can we ride with the top down?" I ask Lenn because I haven't been in her car since I started driving.

"Yes, we can!"

"Yay!" I begin to run across the parking lot with out looking obviously because I don't care. A familiar car then honks at me. That familiar car is my car and it's Isaac honking.

Isaac rolls down the window and screams "Get out of the street, you maniac!" I began to laugh because I could tell he was actually mad.

"C'mon, Ridd before Isaac gets out of the car and tries to kill you."

"What do you mean?" I say

"He texted me to keep you safe and you running through the parking lot is not safe." Lenn says lowly while we get into her car

"He's like a dad. He's more of a dad than my dad."

"I know right. It's kind of cute." Lenn says backing out of her parking spot

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