bye bye

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Wendy, run away with me. I know I sound crazy don't you see what do to me? I wanna be your last boy, your last chance, a better reality.Yeah. Oh, Wendy, we can get away I promise if you're with me say the word and we'll find a way. I can be your last boy, your last chance, your "everything better plan". Yeah. Somewhere in Neverland.

I wake up to see Isaac sitting by my bed singing along to that song since we fell asleep with my music playing lowly. He really isn't bad at singing. He's actually rather good. I used to make him sing and play his guitar for me last year. I tried to get him to do the talent show but he's a twat and wouldn't do it.

"Didn't know you knew that song." I say groggily

"HEY, RIDD'S UP!" Isaac screams

"Not really, I'm going back to sleep." I respond while rolling over to my stomach.

"NO YOU'RE NOT WAKEY WAKEY! I'll sing for you today." Isaac say while laying on top of me

"Really?" I say lifting my head

"Yes, I will, my love." Isaac says while getting off of me

"You're such a weirdo. Okay, I'm gonna go shower and we can go to your house." I say sitting up

"My house? Why?" Isaac says confused like he's never heard of his own house before.

"We never go to your house anymore."

"There's a reason for that."

"Isaac, for me? My birthday's coming up!"

"My mom and Patrick are home." Isaac says Patrick like he's some type of disease.

"Okay, we can stay here. I want you to play the guitar too."

"I'll play yours."

"I have a uke. That's completely different. Or I can go get your guitar for you."

"That's great. First, the shower awaits, kiddo. Then I'll shower after you."


"Hi. Riddley, right?" Patrick, Isaac's stepdad, answers the door.

"Yes, Patrick, Hello." I respond

"What do ya need on this fine afternoon?"

"Wow, I need to get something out of Isaac's room." I say pointing inside the house

"What do you need?"

"His guitar but I think he'd appreciate if you didn't go in his room." I answer truthfully

"Go get it."


"Here ya go." I say getting upstairs to my room.

"Thanks. What do you want me to play?" Isaac asks

"Play Tequila Sunrise! The Emblem3 one of course." I say

"Pull up the chords."

"OKAY!" I scream

"Little excited, aren't we?" Isaac says making fun of me

"Yes! I love when you sing! You sing like a baby angel. Have you sang for April, yet?" I gush over his voice

"A baby angel? And no. Didn't plan on it either."

"Why?" I question

"It's our thing. Okay, I'm gonna start now."

I'm so mesmerized. I am caught up in the eyes of a Tropicana sunrise. Aloha to the world, swimming in a color swirl. Dreaming of a bright eyed girl who's got turquoise pearls, seductive eyes. Kiss my lips, Pull me in like a riptide. Yeah.

You are blinded by the all knowing Illuminati eye. I have one question for you God and that is why? I said why, Eve, why, Eve, why, Eve? why'd you eat the fruit? Why eve, why eve, why? why oh why oh why?

Look at that Tequila Sunrise, that tequila sunrise. Look at that Tequila Sunrise, burning, burning, burning in the distance, can't you see? Oh, can't you see?


"You are amazing. Why'd you even do this for me?"

"I don't know." he says obviously hiding something.

"Oh, c'mon. You can tell ol' double d." I say in a joking way causing him to laugh at me.

"Because I thought I'd surprise you with something." he says after laughing

"What are you kissing up for?" I ask catching him in his lies

"I won't be here for your birthday." He says quickly

"What!?" I yell at him

"I'm sorry. I'm going to be in L.A. with my family."

"You haven't missed my birthday since we've met!"

"I know! I'm upset about it too."

"When are you leaving?" I asks sadly

"Tomorrow at 6 pm."

"But Isaac, you have to be here for my birthday!" I whine

"Awh, baby. I'll be back August 3rd." he says coming to sit next to me.

"No, it's fine. I probably won't be doing anything on my birthday anyway." I respond


The next day I decided that I was going to surprise Isaac at the airport.

"I absolutely hate the airport." I say to Laken

"It's weird. Does Isaac know we're here?" Laken questions

"Uh no. But I have his flight information and we are going to find him and surprise him." Then I got a text from him.

Isaac's text read, "I absolutely hate airports."

"Sorry, babe. I absolutely hate being home bored and alone without your baby angel voice." I reply

"Awh. I'm gonna send you pictures and call you everyday."

"You better." I text back.

"Haha, I will! I miss you already, babe!"

"I miss you already too. We have to stop texting like this it's weird."

"aha! Okay!" he texts than I don't respond


"There he is right there." Laken basically screams

"I'm gonna sneak up behind him." I say to Laken. "Boo." I say in Isaac's ear.

"RIDD! LAKE!" Isaac's yells just before squeezing the life out of me. "What are you guys doing here?" Isaac asks.

"Surprise!" I say

"I'm gonna miss you, weirdo! I'm sad that I won't be here for your birthday!"

"So am I." I say with a pout

"Don't make that face, babe. Please, don't make that face." he says and then hugs me again.

"Awh, Ridd! You guys want to take a picture." Laken asks. Almost 50 pictures later we took a decent one.

"Riddley, I'm sorry to ruin this but we gotta board the plane." Isaac's mom, Gina, says.

"Bye, guys!" Isaac says waving goodbye.

"Bye!" Lake and I both say and wave at him.

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