This is my Life.

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To start, I guess, my name is Riddley Jordan. I guess I could start by introducing you to everyone, starting with me. Like I said, the name's Riddley. I'm fifteen and finishing my Sophomore year, thank god. I'm so done with this place. I'm a horrible writer but I just want to let you in on a little bit of my life.

You could say my friends and I are pretty cool, kind of. My best friend is Lennon, everyone just calls her Lenn, though. Lenn's an interesting girl. She's that one girl in the group that always points out the hot guys that walk by, the one that says "Ooo, he's hot," no matter who we're standing around. Lenn will always speak her mind and be completely, and brutally honest. She doesn't care what others think of her. In truth though, no matter who she thinks is hot, she's in love with my brother, even if she won't tell anyone but me.

Speaking of my brother, Laken is the most important person in my life. He's one of my best friends and I know he's always going to want what's best for me. He's tall, 6'2", to be exact, green eyed, and, according to my friends, he's attractive? I don't know, he's my brother but I guess he's not an ogre or anything. His girlfriend, Peyton, is super sweet too. She's been like an older sister to me. Laken and Peyton are both Juniors, but Peyton is a month older than Laken, sometimes they hang out with me and my friends.

Next is Isaac. He's my best guy friend. He's a tad over protective, but he's a genius, he just doesn't always show it because of all the dumb shit he does. Isaac is about 5'11". He has short brown hair and he's one of those guys that girls chase after, no matter what. The girls can get kind of annoying, but it's whatever, I know I'm the only important one in his life.

That's everyone for now. You'll meet the rest of my friends soon.


To start, I'll give you a glimpse of my Sophomore year so far. The year started with Lennon hating me, and me stressing out about cheer. It continued with me and Lenn having three out of five classes together and teachers hating us because we've become best friends and never shut up, no matter how far across the room they put us. As the year went on Garret, the tall lanky band kid that hangs out with us, started acting like a bitch and started causing drama. Soon, him and Candace, the most awkward of the group, broke up and that put Lenn and I in an awkward place because we're friends with both. Garret decided that he wanted to put words in everyone's mouth. He's on thin ice with me and Lenn right now. Megan, a close friend of mine, started to like Isaac, and April and June, Megan's friends, started sitting with us just because April likes Is, too.

I like a guy, his name is Zander. He has dirty blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and he's 5'10". Zander wears black framed glasses. He has insomnia and I just never sleep so we stay up talking most of the time. When Zander's mad, he doesn't say anything, he kind of tries to brush it off but I can tell because he does this cute little thing with his face where he scrunches his eyebrows and sticks out his lower lip, it's only a millimeter, but I can still tell. I can always tell with Zander.

At lunch today, I went in and sat down to save seats for everyone like I always do because I don't eat lunch from school, its putrid and not worth my $2.60 a day. Once I sat down and most everyone had gotten their food and sat down as well, I went to the snack line to get something actually worth my money. I saw Zander leaving the line as I got in it and I kind of waved at him whilst on my tippy toes so he could see me over the ridiculously tall people that happened to get in line before me. I purchased my $1 ice cream sandwich and went back inside the cafeteria to eat with my friends.

I saw that the seat I'd had before I'd left to get in line, my seat next to Isaac, had been taken by none other than... YOU GUESSED IT! April. I also noticed that Lenn had a look of "Kill me." on her face due to the fact that she was on the other side of April. Quickly, I looked for another seat so that the lady that I wouldn't look so awkward. The only seat open was next to Zander.

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