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I sat in the corner of my room in a chair crying all night with my light on. Laken came in and asked if I was okay because he could hear me crying.

"Why have you been so weird today?" Laken asks

"Sorry, I'm fine." I respond sniffling

"I can hear you sobbing from my room. You've barely moved all day. What's wrong?" Laken pesters


Weirdest fucking dream ever.

My mom isn't dead. She's in Mississippi. What the hell!? My mom wasn't raped either. Too much Law&Order SVU.



"Chill the fuck out. I just woke up," I respond to her holding my head. "Sweet a car!"

"Can I use that sometime?" Laken asks

"Do I let you use anything of mine?"

"No." he answers

"Then no."

"Ha! That's awesome though, Ridd. Do ya like it? Do ya like it!?" Lenn questions

"I hate it obviously." my sarcasm sets in

"I don't need your sassafras." Lenn says again

"THAT'S A PLANT!" Laken yells because he hates that


Isaac comes back today! Yay! Yay! Yay! I put on nice clothes for him. I wore a nice spring dress which I got from Target.

"I made them a nice sign." Laken says.

"You're an idiot." Lenn says

"I want to stand behind y'all then jump out when he comes." I said with enthusiasm.

That shouldn't be too hard because Laken is a whole foot taller than Lenn and I. I hear Isaac say "MY FRIENDS! WHERE'S MY BABE!?" Then I walked from behind them.

Then we basically made out in the middle of the airport. I missed him a lot. We don't separate that's like death. I can't be without him for like 4 days that's like forever. Even when we were just friends that's how we were! 1 day is more than enough.

"I missed you." Isaac says in between a kiss.

"I talked to you everyday. You were here like 4 days ago." I laugh

"So you didn't miss me?" Isaac pouts.

"Of course I did."

"I know! C'mon we can finish this in the car." Isaac says pulling me

"You have to stay at home for this full week." I say with a bit of a pout.

"Why?" He says in a whiny voice.

"You never sleep at home so I'm forcing you."

"Ridd, please. I haven't seen you in 4 days, I want to be with you."

"Just for tonight then you need to leave. We still have to go to your house for you to unpack."

"Can you bitches get in the fucking car?" Laken yells at us.

"Shut your vagina hole, bitch." I say to him as I get in the car.

"Vagina hole?" Isaac questions.

"No idea what so ever." I say with a chuckle.


"DAD! Isaac is back now," I tell as soon as we get through the front door

"Hey, Isaac! I'm leaving out of town this weekend so we need to go to the grocery store for you guys," Dad says

"Okay, Dad!" Lenn says even though none of that was directed toward her

"I just want to cuddle with my boyfriend right now." I say impatiently

"Same here." Laken says

"You have a boyfriend. Should I be jealous?" Lenn says to him jokingly

"Yes." Isaac responds wrapping his arms around Lake

"I knew you guys were seeing each other." I say

"Weird kids. I'm out, y'all!" Dad says before leaving

"Bye! Let's go to my room, Is." I say dragging him

"You have mail from.....uhm. You don't have mail!" Isaac says seeing the mail on my bed and being the snoop he is

"Who is it?" I ask

"Someone you'd choose not to speak to."

"URGH. Mom." I say in anger

"You never told me what happened with you guys." Isaac says

"I will. One day. Maybe."

"I'm fine with that."

"Therapy.... I'm a walking travesty. But I'm smiling at everything! Therapy..... You were never a friend to me!" My phone sang loudly on its charger.

"Hello?" Isaac says answering my phone

"Hey. Is this Riddley?"

"It's her boyfriend."

"My baby has a boyfriend." the women said with sadness in her voice.

"Ridd, it's your mom." Isaac says as he hands me the phone.

"What." I say to my mom in the phone.

"Did you get my letter?"

"I just got a letter today that I haven't opened. Hey, I gotta go but I'll text you when I open the letter. Toodles, bye." Then I hang up.

"That was really rude." Isaac says to me.

"Well. Sucks. I need to change I don't look like myself. I look like a prep."

"I would love to see what's underneath that dress."

"Shut up. I change in front of you on a regular basis."

"Not since we started dating. Now I can comment on it." Isaac says with a sly wink.

I took off the dress then Isaac grabbed me and started to kiss me. I pushed him off and said I had to finish changing. He then proceeded to call me a tease so I showed him the girls. Yes, my boobs. It's nothing new to him.

"Woah, Ridd. Can I tou- you- woah."

"You're mesmerized by boobs, dude. I'm gonna put my clothes on now."

"Can I touch them?"

"No. My boobs only I can touch them."


"Not even."

"What ever. Come lay with me. I haven't held you in my arms for a while."


I hear a knock on my room door in my slightly being awake. Lenn opens the door and says to Isaac and I "Can you lower your sex noises please?"

"Ridd is asleep, Lenn. She's so adorable I just wanna kiss and hug and cuddle my girl all day." Isaac says softly while running his fingers through my hair

"You already do that." I hear her say

"I love her. A lot. For a while she was the only person that would talk to me after the incident."

"Sorry, I avoided you. I was jus- Ya know scared." they continue their conversation

"I understand."

"You're nothing like him. I don't know why you still take up for him either." she blurts out

"He wasn't always like that, okay?Goodnight." Isaac dismisses her

"I'm really sorry, Isaac. Goodnight."

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