just a friend

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We got back in one piece. Laken just yelled at us for taking forever to get home. I just walked past him, got some jim jams, then went to shower. While I was in the shower I heard:

"Fucking apologize to my sister, right now." That obviously being Laken

"We all know that she isn't going to accept it." Lenn says

I silently agree with her. I might forgive him, Maybe. He's still my bestfriend.

"You could at least try it." Peyton comments. Before anyone can respond to that I'm out of the shower.

"You guys do realize that I could hear you?" I say sassily

"Will you accept the apology, If I apologize?" Isaac asks

"Maybe." I respond.

Isaac then gets down on one knee grabs my hand and says, "Riddley Ann Jordan, I'm sincerely sorry that I didn't tell you about April, I'm sorry that I kissed you the way I did then just said it was a game when I really did enjoy it a lot. I mean like a lot. It'd be a pleasure, it'd be a blessing if you accepted this apology. I love you, Double "D". Forgive me, please?"

"I love you too."

"Do you forgive me, Ridd?"

"I forgive you, Isaac." He got off his knee and hugged me then he kissed me. Yes I said he kissed me. I was so shocked.

"Did I just do that?" Isaac says

"What just happened?" Laken says

"Oh my god." Lenn like whispers

His arms were still wrapped around my back and mine around his neck.

"What the shit." Laken continues

"That means you're meant to be together." Peyton says so excited.

"No, it doesn't." I said pulling away from him. I started to walk away and he grabbed my arm.

"Hey, look at me. Why won't you look at me?" Isaac says while tugging on my arm.

"I can't. It'll just make it worse."


I finally turned to face him, "Isaac, I really like you a lot but you don't like me and I know that so you kissing me and everything isn't going to make it better."

"What if I didn't do that on accident? What if I wanted to do it? What if while you were gone I texted April and said that getting back together might be a mistake?"

"But all of those are 'what ifs', Isaac. If you did give me your phone."


"Just give me your phone." I say grabbing his phone. "Hey, April. It's Riddley. Isaac didn't text you that. It was me so don't be mad at him. He never wanted to break up with you." I left a voicemail.

By this time the others went to sit on the couch and watched the end of some horror movie.

"Riddley, I really really like you and I want to date you."

"Well, that's too bad for you because I don't want a boyfriend. Isaac, you're still my bestfriend and I love you but we can't do that."

"Why not?"

"You just got back together with April. I don't want to be apart of her drama and bullshit."

"But I want to be with you. What if we just stay best friends for awhile and then when I don't like her anymore we can give it a try." Isaac whispers and sits on the stairs next to me.

"I will not be a second choice." I respond

"That's not what I meant but let's just be our regular selves. C'mon, babe." Isaac says sticking out his hand to help me up. We just cuddled on the love seat.

"You guys wanna watch full horror movie now?" Laken asks

"Yeah." Zander replies. They flip through movies on Netflix for a while before finding one that most of us have never seen.

"Baby, I'm a little tired." Isaac whispers in my ear implying we go up to my room.

"Alright. Guys, we're going to bed, night." I say as we get up noticing that Zander and Peyton were making out and Lenn was falling asleep on Laken.

"You have a nice butt." I hear Isaac whisper while staring at me as we walk up the stairs.

"I know." I respond as we finally get up the stairs and walk to my room door.

"Alright, cuddle with me." Isaac says as I get into my bed.

"Why wouldn't I?" I respond.

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