Forced Food.

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Laken, and Zander are standing in my door way, Isaac walked passed me and into the kitchen and Lennon and Peyton have moved into the living room and I can hear them talking about some guy Lenn thought was hot.

I walk to join them, and sit on the love seat opposite the couch they're on. Zander walks in and sits on the floor in front of Peyton and Laken sits next to Lennon. I see a blush rise on her cheeks instantly and find it adorable and also extremely sad since his girl friend is on the other side of her.

Once they're all seated they begin the interrogation:

Laken: "What the hell? Why didn't you tell me?"

Lennon: "Better question, why wasn't I informed?"

Zander: "What makes you think this would solve anything?"

Peyton: "You have all of us, hun. You should have talked to one of us."

"Why don't you all lay off and let her sit here for a minute before you throw questions in her face," Isaac is my hero, even when we aren't talking, "Here babe, eat this," he hands me a sandwich and bottle of water.

"I'm not hungry, I'm full."

"Full of shit," Isaac and Zander say in unison.

"Holy fuck!" Zander raises his hand to high five Is and you can tell Isaac doesn't even want to be in the same room as the blonde haired, bright eyed boy.

"Shut up. Lenn and Ridd do it all the time," Isaac's voice thick with spite.

"It's true, we do," Lenn says, nodding her head yes, causing her bangs to fall in her face. She quickly brushes them back and I can see her look out of the corner of her eye to see if Laken noticed.

"Baby, you have to eat," Isaac says, sitting down next to me in the love seat.

"I don't want the fucking food," I say, looking at the ground instead of his blue-ish green eyes. God, have I missed those eyes.

"I know you. You haven't been to the kitchen because you'd end up eating something, you probably haven't even left your room. You've made Laken, and your dad get you waters because you don't have enough self control to be around food without eating; you're a bottomless pit," he chuckles a bit, us all knowing its true, "I know because we could be sitting here watching Netflix and eating pizza, chips, and candy all day. And I can tell that you know I'm right because you're not looking me in the eye and you're about to cry and I don't want you to cry but baby, you have to eat."

"You're such a fucking prick," I say, taking the sandwich from him and taking a decent sized bite. I can feel Isaac's shoulders relax next to me and the feeling of having food in my stomach is so amazing that I continue to eat.

"Thanks," Is says. I don't know if he meant 'thanks for eating' or 'thanks for calling me a prick,' but I nodded anyways.

At around six, after we've all loosened up and the laughing began, Isaac suggests that we play a game and Lenn blurts out Truth or Dare.

"Lenn get's to go first, since she suggested it," Isaac playfully winks at Lenn.

"Why don't we keep the hormones to a minimum!" Peyton says, causing everyone to laugh.

I fist bump the clever girl and speak commencement.

"Okay, I pick... uhm... Laken," I saw that one coming, "Truth or dare Lakester?"

"Dare, duh."

"Alright. I dare you to go streaking around the street."

"Fuck. Okay, I'll be back."

We all go sit in the yard and wait. Once we hear the door open, I turn back to see my brother, holding his crotch, run into the street and jog up to the stop sign, around to the end of the block and back. We all shield our eyes as he runs towards the house and through the front door.

"Did you enjoy that?" I whisper in Lenn's ear as we go in and chuckle at her red cheeks.

We all chill in the living room until Laken comes back, fully clothed.

"I applaud you for actually doing that," Zander states.

"Us Jordan's have balls!" My brother shouts. "Who's next? Hmmm, I choose... Isaac!"

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