new hair

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At around 10:30 I got a call from Isaac saying,"I'm back with my mom" Isaac says as soon as I pick up

"Good" I respond being short with him

"Sorry for being weird by the way." Isaac says apologizing

"It's not your fault. You were born that way." I respond laughing

"haha not funny. What are you doing?"

"Walking downtown."

"Alone?" Isaac says sounding very concerned

"Yea." I reply nonchalantly

"Get back to...Where are they?" Isaac tries to yell at me

"Dad got us the hotel again." I say

"Get back to the hotel it's late and you could get hurt." Isaac sternly replies

"I'm right in front of the hotel right now." I chuckle

"WHY THE HECK DO YOU MAKE ME WORRY!?" Isaac yells in my ear

"I don't try to. You're just a worrisome person."

"I know. Some things have happened to me, ya know? I haven't told you yet but I will when I'm comfortable with it." Isaac admits

"Is it that you're gay!? Woah, scandal!" I respond lighting the mood

"Shut up, loser."

"Hold on. Dad's calling." I say to Isaac before switching over the call. "Hi-ho Daddy-o"

"Get your ass back to the hotel now." Dad yells at me

"Okay, Daddy-o" I say like it's nothing

"NOW!" he yells

"Elevators don't move that fast, dad." I sass him

"Don't sass me, young lady." He says obviously catching my sass

"What's got your panties in a bunch?" I say while walking into the room so this becomes a verbal conversation

"Don't ever leave the hotel without telling me. Especially not tonight." Dad yells

"What's happening tonight?"

"Some scary shit is about to happen."


"We always leave town this time of year because someone is after you."

"DAD! OH MY GOD, STOP!" I yell at him

"I was just joking." he says laughing


"Huh?" Dad says confused


"Sorry, Dad just scared the piss out of me." I say picking up to talk to Is

"What'd he say?" Isaacs asks

"He said someone was after me."

"Babe. No one wants you." Isaac responds in a nice voice making it seem like what he said was nice.

"Oh, that boosts my self esteem by like 50%." I reply sarcastically

"Oh, you know I love you."

"Well, I hate you." I says obviously kidding

"Awh, thanks, babe."

"Are you jet lagged?" I asked

"Little bit."

"It's only 8 there and it's 10 here."

"Yea. I can't talk to you all night because you'll fall asleep on me!" Isaac says loudly

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