Yo quiero Taco Bell

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As you know, I was at Zander's on Friday, and I thought it went over well. I can't believe I thought he liked me. He's such a lying cunt. Maybe I should fill you in a bit.

After I left Zander's Friday night I was in such a great mood. I thought he liked me, I liked him! Lenn dropped me off at home and I was beaming from ear to ear; I fell asleep watching Netflix on my laptop.

When I woke up I walked down stairs, got some water and scrolled through my Instagram feed. The moment the picture came across my screen I wanted to puke, my heart broke in my chest and I felt a single tear roll down my cheek. The picture was posted by a girl named Skylar, who I've gone to school with since sixth grade, and Zander. His arm was around her waist and she looked as happy as I had felt last night. The caption read, "He just asked me out. So happy right now."

Really Zander?! Really?! I mean what kind of a douche does that?! Feeling as though I was going to pass out, I went into the bathroom and took a long hot shower.

Once out of the shower, I dried my hair, put on minimal make up and got dressed in one of my many pair of high-waisted shorts, one of my many cheer shirts, and once again my red vans. Now I was dressed with no where to go, just fabulous.

Figuring my obnoxious brother, whom I loved so much, was probably free, I walked down the hall to his room and knocked on the door frame before walking in. He was shirtless but wearing khaki shorts, towel drying his hair.

"Laaaaaken! Are you freeeeee?" I whined, plopping down on his bed.

"No, baby sis. I'm quite expensive and way out of your price range," he winked and I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a sass butt. You know what I meant!"

"No, seriously. I'm gonna go catch a movie with Peyton. You should call that Zack kid and do something with him!"

"You mean Zander?" I corrected, disgust thick in my voice.

"Yeah? Why do you sound like he's contagious with some kind of deadly disease when saying his name? You were just at his house last night."

"Yeah well, shit can change in the blink of an eye. He so greatly demonstrated that this morning when he asked out that bitch from our history class."

"HE WHAT?! THAT BITCH," Laken shouts, dropping the towel and looking dumbfounded.

I shook my head yes as I sat up on his bed and crossed my arms over my chest in disapproval.

"Oh, sis," Lake walked over and sat down next me, his arms wrapped around me in a comforting hug and in that moment I felt delighted to have a brother that cared about me.

He soothed me a bit more before reaching for his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Peyton. I'm going to reschedule our date."

"No. No no no no no. You can't reschedule y'alls date just because I'm having a lousy day. I'll call Isaac or Lenn and see if they want to hang out!"

"Are you sure? Peyton won't mind, she'll understand."

"Yes, I'm sure. Now put a shirt on and go see a movie with your girlfriend."

Finally, Laken agreed and I said bye to him as he left with the car that we would be sharing in just less than two short months. Walking back to my room, I called Isaac and he agreed to come over and pick me up in his white pick-up truck.

I heard the music blaring from his truck in my driveway before I got his text signaling that he was at my house. I ran out the front door, locking it behind me, and hopped in his truck, slamming the door behind me.

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