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"Wake up, princess." A familiar voice says to me but I'm too tired to figure out who is is.

"C'mon. Can you guys just let me sleep for once?" I roll over to my back and open my eyes a bit.

"Lake, get out!" I yell at him

"Get in the shower, we have stuff planned! It's your birthday remember!?"


"Happy Birthday, baby girl!" My dad says watching me come down the stairs

"Thanks, Dad." I say rather tired even though it's 1:30

"I remember when you were this tall and now you're all grown up!" My dad says tearing up a little

"Oh, Dad! Don't cry." I say while hugging him

"Dude, you're the best sister a guy like me could ask for. You get me all the girls and you're awesome!" Laken says to me from the couch

"Thanks, Lake. Why are we up?" I say

"We're going on a Starbucks run." Laken says

"Woohoo! We are picking up Lenn, right?"

"We will and I'm paying." Dad says walking toward the front door.


We finally get our drinks after like 20 minutes of waiting and now we're headed back home.

"Dude, this is good." Laken says from the backseat

"Yeah it is." Lenn says to him. I turn around to look at them and they're like making out and I'm just kinda sitting here in the front seat talking to dad.

"Hey, Ridd, Have you checked your phone, yet?" Lenn asks when we get into the house.

"Nope, I was too focused on Starbucks and showering." I answer

"Check them." Laken says before Lenn can.

I checked Instagram first considering that was the notification I got first. The first picture was a picture of me and Laken when we were little and the caption read, "Happy birthday to my baby sister." Which was sweet and all but the picture he used was terribly ugly.

"Laken, Why must you embarrass me?" I say while walking toward him.

"It's the only thing I'm good at." Laken responds.

I then looked at my texts one from Lenn saying, "HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY, MY DARLING!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" I respond to her, even though she's sitting like 2 feet away from me on the couch, saying, "I LOVE YOU TOO! THANK YOU!"

The next message I read is from Isaac. His message said, "I may not be the first to say it but HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY, PRINCESS! I hope you have the most outstandingly awesome birthday! Don't have too much fun without me though! I love you, double d! Send me pictures." so I reply to him, almost in tears because I miss him so much, "Thanks, hun! I miss you so much already. I love ya!"

Isaac then posted a photo of me and him from when he sang, a week ago saying, "Happy birthday to this babe!"

I respond with, "Thanks, rock star."

My phone then began to vibrate in my hand so I quickly answered it. It was Isaac, of course.

"Hey, babe!" I say

"Happy Birthday! I absolutely love you to death!" Isaac yells into my ear

"Thanks, I love you so much!"

"What are you doing today, kiddo?" Isaac says using kiddo loosely since he's only 5 months older than me.

"I don't know. Most likely nothing."

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