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I wake up next to Lenn and Laken is on the floor. What the fuck happened last night? I check my phone I see I got a text from Riker. Weird.

"Could you come over at noon. I need to talk to you." Riker's text said.

What the hell does he want from me? Why don't I know what happened last night?

I checked the clock to see that it was 11:50 so I got up, didn't bother to change, and walked over to Riker's.


"Hey! Come on in."

"Okay. Are you not gonna comment on my ever so fine clothing?"

"I'm looking at the blue hair."

"Oh yea. Do you like it?"


"You hate it. It's okay, just say it."

"I think you're always gorgeous."

"Thank you, handsome. Why'd you want to talk to me?"

"I have good news."

"Well, What is it, loser?"

"My parents are getting divorced!"

"Yay! I think."

"Now, I won't have to hear them argue."

"YAY! That's great, Riker. Where are your parents right now?"

"Mom's with a lawyer and Dad's at work. Why?"

"I don't like being in other people's houses alone."

"Oh. I'm sorry, we could go to your house."

"No, let's not do that."

"Riddley, can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"You're my only friend. I was wondering if I could kiss you, I want my first kiss to be you."

"Uhm I-I uh."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't've asked."

"No, it's fine, just unexpected. I have a boyfriend."

"Really?" Riker says in an terrible sick and dying tone.

"Yea. I think it's sweet that you want your first kiss to be me and you asked but I can't." I say nervously thinking about what Isaac would do when I told him.

Then it just happened Riker kissed me on the lips with his wet tongue in my mouth. Gross. But I will say that boy is a really good kisser. Yes I kissed back and I shouldn't have but damn he's really good! Then I realized that we were making out not just kissing and I liked it. I'm breaking Isaac's heart. I should stop. Stop. I felt Riker run his hand up into my shorts and I pushed him off.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Can I just see it?"

"No! I'm outta here!"

"You're not going anywhere." Riker said roughly while pulling my hair. Then he dragged me down to the basement by my hair. He picked me up and sat me on a bed. I screamed but it didn't help. I guarantee you that no one has been down here in years and it's soundproof and below ground.

"What do you want from me?! Let go! Let me leave!" I screamed at him and tried to scream again but he pulled out a knife and said if I screamed again he'd slice my throat. I don't want to die. I want Isaac. How will I tell Isaac?

"Take off your shirt, slut." Riker yelled at me. Let me tell you Riker is not a small person he's 6 foot and has muscle.

"I don't want to. I know you wouldn't dare kill me because you know you'd get caught. They'll find me and my friends will beat you until you bleed then call the cops and say something happened." I say bitterly.

"You're right but I can still cut you harshly." Riker says as he swings the knife at my chest and it slices my shirt open and slices the skin right under my boob.

He grabs where he cut the hole and rips my shirt off. I tried to kick him in the balls but he cut my ankle instead. He climbs on top of me and says "You're nothing but a filthy tramp."

Where have I heard that before?


When I was in the 6th grade someone got into our house. It was just me and my mom home and he got on top of my mom and raped her. Then he killed her. I was hidden so he didn't see me. I wish I could've helped my mom. I didn't know what to do. So when I heard him leave the house I grabbed the phone and called Dad crying. Crying so hard he didn't understand me so he sped home and saw everything. I remember him saying "I knew he'd find her again."


I knew Riker's dad sounded familiar. He was the one who killed me mom.

"Riker, Can I please leave, now?" I said after he finished raping me.

"Yes but if you tell anyone I'll rape you again and you won't be as lucky to walk out of here." Riker bitterly said to me and led me out the front door.

I have to tell someone. I have to. Why did he decide to ruin my life when I was doing fine? I got back in the house showered and got some new clothes. They were all still sound asleep.


Wow this chapter is interesting.



Will Riddley tell?

Who would she tell?

She can't tell the police because she washed the evidence.


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