Chapter 4

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Ethan's P.O.V.

The sorry excuse for a human was here trying to get me to forgive his employees for shouting at me on my way up the elevator wow I never saw something so pathetic ."I am so sorry sir they will apologize they are new they didn't know " .

" Enough those were the two girls you were telling me about " I said as we stepped out of the elevator walking towards my office " yes sir what do you think sir " "I think the loud has to learn a thing or two about manners but I can fix that".

"Yes sir and how about the blond one is she up to stander she is very reliable and she listens very well".
I didn't even notice that their was another girl ." Whats the loud one named " " her name is Tommy and the next one name is ..." .I cut him off " did I ask you for her name " " no sir I was just telli..." "I didn't fucking ask so don't tell me i'll find out on my own ".

"Sorry sir do you want me to send them in sir " I just nod my head .


I heard a knock on my door and I buzz them in .two of them walked in the blonde one at the front this time and the brunette cowardly in the back .The blonde one starts to talk " sorry sir and I would just like to say that Tammy is very sorry for her beha...."" did I say you could speak" "no sir " " and there you go with the talking shut the fuck up "she instantly looked to the ground and starts to play with her finger nails .

I get up and start to walk around my table and ushered for them to sit down the girl named Tammy drags the blonde haired one to sit down ."Now what i called you in here for was to talk about your jobs" i said and the blonde girl head was still to the ground not looking at me and to say the least it pissed me off and still made me want to fuck her i always liked submissive girls for the love of God i use to be a dom .

I was snapped out of my range of thoughts when the Tammy girl starts to speak "I am soooo sorry i didnt mean to rise my voice at you it was uncalled for but if you have to fire anyone fire me Lily did nothing but tired to stop me from rising my voice" and at this time the girl named Lily looks up at her friend .I silence her with my hand and i slowly walk back round to my chair and sat down ,"that is not what i meant when i said lets talk about your jobs i meant i want to give both of you a promotion even tho this is your first day i want Tammy to make my meetings ,get coffee etcetera just like a PA would do and for you Lily i have promoted you to financial advisor to the company branch but i'm putting the both of you to work in the same office so the office outside of mine is yours from now on so move your things from your current location to the the office now. "

"Oh thank you sir for the promotion it is very appreciated"Tammy says getting up to leave.When Lily got up to leave she didnt say anything "So Lily what do you have to say" i asked stopping her "Oh i can speak now ,then i guess im to say thank you sir for the promotion and not firing us" she said in a smart ass way and left with a sway in her big ass and Tammy eyes wide.

I have to fix that smart ass mouth of hers and use it in a another way too. Dont worry that day is soon to come


Well there you have it i can through now to updated the other two books 'fucked in a barn' and 'mixed completely' you can find them on my account and again thanks for reading ,voting and committing and PEACE BAM WHAT

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