First Miracle

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Every students that comes out of the school were clamoring. They ran with their own group waiting for them. Some were telling stories of what they saw and some were crying because they saw some victims from the fire.

Abby was outside finding a way to get in. Police lines were already dividing the spectators from the school doors. She lifted the police line but a police saw her and blocked her way.

"Sorry mam. Its dangerous there right now,"

"But my brother and sister are still inside," she said with her worried voice.

"Don't worry. We'll save them. Please wait here," then the officer approached one of the firemen and whispered.

Abby moved silently like a phantom. No one noticed her going inside.

"Gabriel? Althea?" she called with her mind.

"We're here," Gabriel answered her. "Cafeteria,"

Abby dashed to the cafeteria. Along the way she met firemen, police and medics assisting the remaining students, but they don't seem to see her. Thick smoke cross path with her but it does not bother her, her breathing was fine and she can find her way to the cafeteria on the farther end of the hall. She saw Gabriel and Althea kneeling down a moveless body of a boy. Half of his face was almost burned as well as his right arms. His legs were almost crushed by the fallen pieces of the ceiling and his breathing was unstable. Althea was still and her hand was on the boy's chest.

"What's happening with Althea?" Abby asked, kneeling down beside Gabriel.

"I think she's trying to keep this boy's life intact," he told Abby.

Althea's eyes were tightly shut, bullets of sweat coming out of her forehead, lining down to her neck. Her lips are dry. Her hand on the boy's chest is trembling. She was like battling with the grim reaper trying to take the boys life.

"Please make way!" an authoritative voice came out of nowhere. A broad man wearing yellow coat and helmet, behind him were 3 more men with the same outfit. The first one that came in assisted Abby to stand. When the other man hold Althea, she did not react. She refused to stand as if the battle for the boy's life was not yet over. Her eyes still closed tightly.

"Miss! Are you alright? Is she okay?" the fireman turned his head on Gabriel who kept his lips lock. 

"Miss, hey," he shook Althea's shoulder, then she collapsed. 

The boy suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for air.

The 3rd fireman picked the boy up whose head pillowed on Althea's lap before the one who holds Althea was able to move her, carrying her out of the building together with her brother and sister.

"Wait, let me take her. She's my sister," Gabriel stopped the one who was carrying Althea.

"Are you sure, sir? We have to bring her to the hospital,"

"Yes, I know. Let us take her. There might be other victims left,"

The fireman carefully transferred her to Gabriel's awaiting arms. Abby sensed another human arouns, grabbing on the little life that was about to live its earthly body. She closed her eyes and focused on that person.

"He..lp.." it called. The fireman who was holding Althea awhile ago dashed to look for the victim. Gabriel and Abby ran out to their car.

The confusion and  devastation of the cafeteria made the three angels unable to detect the unknown force spying on them. Its dark eyes focused on the three, memorizing their features and movements.

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