Accepting God's Will

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Gabriel took the longest route going back to White Water Dr. via CA-1 N in Dana Point. Abby had asked him to buy some french bread for their dinner in Rose Bakery Cafe along Pacific Coast Highway. Every corners of the road they pass through, Althea can see the sun on the horizon. It gave her a peaceful feeling the over comes the confusion she felt on that second meeting with Jade.

"Gabe, can I take a walk along the beach?" Althea asked permission.

"Is there something bothering you?" instead of a yes or no answer, he bounced a question.

"Huh? Oh no. I... I just like the view of the sun. Its like it's diving on the beach. Its such a solemn view. Can I?"

Gabriel was silent for a few moments pondering on what to answer. 

"Alright. You know the rules. No showing of celestial powers, okay?"

Althea nodded.

"And be home immediately. I bet Abby put up something special for dinner. I think she wants to celebrate on something,"

"Hahaha... Alright I will,"

Gabriel dropped her off at Salt Creek Beach Park where she walked the rest of the way going to the beach. When she reached the edge of the grassy park, she removed her school shoes and socks. Once her feet stepped on the sand, the rough surface tickled her sole but felt the smoothness on every step she makes, slightly burying her feet. 

She let the crawling water touched her up to her ankle. First brush of water was cold, but as it continuously slide to her skin, it becomes warmer. She walked paralleled on the shore, her eyes didn't left the setting sun. Her eyes witnessed how the daylight sunk down the border of the ocean. The sea breeze starts to feel cold, but the light coming for the retiring sun still gives away a warm feeling. She stopped walking and face the sun as it bids farewell and the day welcoming the coming night.

"I HATE YOU!!!!" a loud voice suddenly came in the background.

Althea turned, looking for the owner of the voice. Not too far she saw a young teen age girl, sank down and pounding the sand with her fist. Her hair was tussled. She's screaming to the top of her lungs.

"__ck you, God!" she shouted full of anger.

Althea hesitated but when the girl slumped down and the waters crawled on her head, she ran towards the girl.

"Ahm..." she paused. The girl looked up on her. "I'm sorry, but are you okay?" she took courage to ask.

"I'm okay. I'm Happy! Super happy! I'm ecstatic! I'm jumping for joy!" the girl answered sarcastically.

"I know a bitter tone when I heard one," Althea answered sitting beside the girl who changed her position to kneeling.

"I'm sorry. I'm just...." I don't know what else to do. Don't know what to feel,"

"I know that I'm a stranger to you but it doesn't hurt to talk to someone," 

The girl looked at her and she saw her smile. Yes, she's right. The girl standing beside her is a stranger and yet, she feels she's no stranger to her. Her smile wiped out that heavy feeling in her heart. She felt calm. Relaxed. She might be hallucinating or maybe the setting sun's light reflected on the girl that somehow shone on her head.

"I'm dying," the girl said, turning her eyes to the sun that is almost gone, drowning itself in ocean.

Althea didn't act as surprised. It is not her first time to hear a human blaming God for their death. She waited for the girl to speak again.

"I'm too young to die. I haven't even finish my senior year!" she started to cry.



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