The Physical Confession

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The next morning, Althea again was unease. All through the night, she felt glad of helping Marinelle that her thoughts of Jade being her PE partner disappeared. On their way to school, she was uneasy and Gabriel felt her fidgeting, but she kept her silence.

They arrived in school early because Gabriel needs to fix some instruments that his class will be using later on. He's become popular amongst female students. Even those who thought playing instruments are for nerds, joined the music club thinking that they can lure Gabriel into liking them. 

Althea came to their literature class with only few students waiting for the class to start. They were in groups but in the corner of the room, some student including Angie and Pearl looked different. Their sleeves roled up to their elbow. Hairs were in a loose bun with some streaks of hair hanging below the bun. They looked like a bit gothic with dark lipsticks and eye brows. She was looking were the group was when someone slid on the chair were Chynna sits.

"What's with Pearl and Angie?" Althea asked without looking who sat beside her assuming it was Chynna.

"I don't know," someone answered but not Chynna. Althea looked and she saw Jade with a smile o her face. "Good morning Angel,"

That name jade called her sends her creeping. 

"Why you called me angel? I'm not an angel. I'm human," she answered but she cannot look at the girl beside her in the eyes.

"Hey, calm down. I know you're not an angel. If you are, I might get burn," Jade laughed.

"Then why calling me that?"

"No reason. I just felt calling you Angel. Its my endearment to you," she smile more brightly that showed white set of chompers.

"Jade, are we on later?" Pearl asked tagging Angie along with her.

Jade sighed that rolled her eyes as a sign of irritation.

"Didn't you get my message?" Jade asked, but didn't turn to look at the two girls.

"We did.... But..."

"I'm talking to Althea. You didn't even greet her,"

"He.. Hello, Althea," Pearl greeted and bowed her head as if Althea is a royalty.

"Hello Pearl, Angie. Are you guys going somewhere?" Althea asked.

The two girls looked at Jade at the same time. Asking a silent question to Jade. Instead of answering them, Jade flick her fingers signalling the two to go back to their seats.

"Excuse me, that's my seat," Chynna came, standing beside her, hands on her waist, waiting for Jade to move over.

"There are other open seats," Jade answered. Determined not to move.

"Why don't you take the other open seats. I sat on that chair first,"

"I'm sorry Jade. She had that chair first," Althea supported Chynna. In her mind, she has this confusing feeling for Jade that she wanted to take off her.

Jade stood up. She face Chynna who stands lower than her and placed a playful smirk in her face. She walked towards the last row at the back.

"She's so creepy," Chynna commented.

Althea was suppose to say something but the bell rang and Mrs. Tanchingco came in, holding only a piece of folder in her hand.

"Class, were going to have a new seating assignment for your group project that is due next week. First column take the seat on the last row. Last row take the second column. Second column take the first column. Last and third columns stay," 

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