The First Contact

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Althea's lips were like cottons  on the surface of Jade's lips. Althea's lips were a bit parted as the teacher's instructions, but Jade's were closed. Instead of blowing air, it was sealed. Feeling the softness of the angel's mouth.

20 seconds passed... 21... 22... 23... 24... 25....


"Alright, that's enough," Mr. Tanchingco broke the silence.

Althea opened her eyes when the contact of her lips to Jade parted. She saw Jade bending over, her arms stretched to help her stand. As if her arms has their own mind that they reached the awaiting hands of her new classmate with a satisfied smile on her face. They were the last to return with their classmates. The students were looking at them as they walk and Althea has her head bow down, blushing. She cannot look at her classmates' faces. She stood beside Chynna who was just staring at her, while Jade stood behind them. Chynna eyed Jade with her brows creased.Jade paid her with a cold stare that ran through her spine as if Jack Frost blew freezing air on her nape.

While the teacher discuss the important things to remember about CPR to overlap the awkwardness, Chynna suddenly fell down unconscious. She fell on Althea's direction, knocking her down as she fell.

"Chynna! Chynna!" Althea called.

Mr. Tanchingco approached, checking on Chynna's breathing."Guys, back away. Give her some air," he shoved his students. He hand over his clip board to one of his students and lift up Chynna going to the infirmary. "Stay here until the bell rings," Althea followed but Jade grabbed her hand.

"Don't follow. Come with me," the she pulled her away from their classmates.

Althea was surprised that she wasn't able to refuse. Jade's grasp on her was tight and everytime Jade connects with Althea, her resolve seems to melt away. Her feet was having its own mind that follows Jade to whatever directions she walked on. They reached on an unused classroom at the end of the hall. As soon as they entered, Jade closed the door. Althea was clueless and nervous. her mind wanted to reach Gabriel but her heart says not yet.

Jade turned slowly, facing Althea who's looking straight at her. Mystified. 

The whole room was deafening with silence. Jade's steps was unheard. Floating rather than walking. Althea's heart was on the run, but her feet was like buried on the floor. She can't move an inch. Jade's eyes pinning her to where she stands. Her breathing was running after the phase of her heart beat. Her hand moved on her back. Finding something to support her. As Jade closes, she took a step back, bumping an old table a few inch behind her. Her palm landed on the surface, trying to push the table but it won't budge. 

Jade now standing face to face with Althea, standing only a few inch taller that her, half a foot away from her. Jade's eyes fixed on Althea's supple lips, that awhile ago connected on her lips. Their first contact. 

Heat touched her cheek when Jade placed her hand on her right cheek as if she's burning. She's confused of the kind of heat she was feeling. Her lips parted to have her voice out but there was something in her throat that blocks her tone.. 

The whole room was large enough for 2 classes but as Jade lessening their distance, the room seems to get smaller and smaller. She can almost smell that luscious scent of her breath. She can't figure the kind of perfume she wears. Jasmine? Chamomile? It was minty with spice. A boyish smell. 

The tips of their noses almost touched. 

"Jade...." Althea was able to exhaust a little courage to speak that Jade backed up a little but her eyes still pinned on that black orbs infront of her. Althea's hand rested non Jade's tummy, but the girl she is facing topped it with her own hand.

As a response to her name, Jade only smiled. An evilish smile then.....
















Time and space seemed to stop. Heaven and earth collide. Right and wrong didn't exist. Just her and Jade. 

Jade's hand extended to the small of Althea's back, pulling her closer till her body pressed with Jade's. She felt Althea's hand on her stomach pushing her, so her free hand grabbed it, moving it out of the way. She kissed Althea harder, having her tongue slice the sealed lips to part them. 

The connection of their lips was heating up like a match rubbing its starter. Althea closed her eyes but instead of seeing the darkness, dashes of colors streaked the space of her mind. She felt Jade's tongue entering her mouth, and a soft moan coming out of the girl kissing her. The fire accelerated from warm to burning as a new sensation so new to Althea arise from her earthly form. Her hand that was firm on Jade's grasp becomes soft. Jade felt her melting like butter under the erected sun.

Althea shed a quiet tear down her cheeks that touched Jade. She opened her eyes and saw he twinkling pear-shaped liquid that came out of the girl's eyes. Her senses suddenly awakened. Whatever evil thought she had in her eyes swiftly dissolved. She retreated taking one step backward, as if she got burned on her own doing. 

Althea remained still and eyes closed. Tears continuously flowed.

"Althea...." Jade whispered, but the empty space of the whole room made it loud enough for Althea to hear that it made her open her eyes slowly.

In Jade's sight, Althea's eyes seemed to shine that makes her visionless. A blinding light came out on top of her head. Jade covered her eyes and a shadow was formed. She tried to peek  between her fingers and saw white wings with tips of gold on every feather.

The ray of light exploded, sending off the dust that formed on every wall, ceiling, unused table and chairs in random directions. Strong gush of wind blew out of nowhere. Jade sunk her face on the floor, wrapping her head protectively with her arms. The episode lasted for a few minutes, then it stopped. She heard a loud thud.

The dust still blurring her vision. She waved her hand as she stood up.

"Althea?" she called, taking steps slowly towards where Althea suppose to be standing. The dust begins to settle down. Her sight was coming back, but the spot where Althea was was empty. She turn around, looking for the girl she was kissing a moments ago. Only the remains of broken wood coming from chairs and table were left, but Althea was gone. She was like evaporated from thin air.

Jade ran out of the room but no one was at the hallway and it was about to be dark soon. She scouted. Looking at every open windows of every deserted rooms. No one was at sight. The whole school was empty. Since no one can see her, she extend her folded wings and flew. She can't see no one as far as her eyes can see. Suddenly, she felt a strong presence appeared behind her. She darted, dodging a ray of light striking her. She turned and saw an angel.

"Stay away from my sister.... Demon...." a voice came from Gabriel. Commanding.

"You can't make me," she laughed. Gloating. Mocking.

Gabriel extended his arms. Another line of blinding light came out of his palm but Jade was able to get away from it. She was able to escape. She disappeared.

"She will be mine, angel. You cannot stop me. She is mine!" Jade's voice echoed but Gabriel can no longer see her.


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