Fire and Ice

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It was warm... It was soft... It was electrifying.... It was more than what Jade was suppose to expect...

Her heart is in a loopy loop kindda ride as Althea deepens her kiss. Soft... Then hard... Chill... Then hot... Hotter and hotter...

In Althea's nudity, she felt current as Jade's hands crawl from her arms, going up to her shoulders.... Slowly continuing to her neck... Jade took control. Her left hand stayed on Althea's neck, while her right, lightly and slowly dropped down on the small of the girl's back, pulling her closer, pinning the naked body against her burning body. Jade is under her earthly desire to be one with the amnesiac angel, relishing every inch of the angel's skin. Althea's back arched, feeling ticklish under the playful hands.

Jade feels Althea's lips, as if it was already swollen. Her eyes were closed, imagining what could be Althea's face as they kissed. Suddenly a light burst in the darkness of her vision. It consumed her mind. It was like fire that she got burned. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw Althea with glittering tears in her closed eyes. she pulled away, afraid that what had happened in school might happen again. 

"I'm sorry," jade said that even her self was surprised that that phrase slipped out of her mouth. As a devil, they are highly proud of themselves that they do not apologize for any wrongs they do. She carefully pushed Althea, bending down to pick up the fruits she dropped and place it back in the basket. When she stood up, she walked to where Althea's clothes lays, she picked it up and gave it to the wondering Althea still standing to where Jade had left her.

"Dress up. I know your hungry," then she turned back, not looking at the nudity of Althea. She don't want to be tempted. To feel that fire of craving to own the angel.

Althea covered her self with the white free flowing dress Jade handed her and walked behind Jade who's a few phases away from her, entering their simple abode.

Inside their stone cabin, Jade offered a chair for Althea to sit as she arrange and peel the fruits for her angel to eat. The citrusy scent of the fruits grumbled Althea's stomach that Jade looked at her and giggled.

"I think those little critters in your tummy is asking you to hurry u and eat. Here," she pushed the plate full of different sliced fruits.

Althea picked up a slice of apple and placed it in her mouth. She savour the sweet taste and the crunchy texture of the food that a smile came out of her lips.  Jade was sitting at the other side of the 4 seating table, opposite to Althea. Her heart seems to float with happiness every time Althea smile with satisfaction of the good sensation that is playing inside her mouth. Jade was new to this kind of happiness. The kind that softens her hard, evil heart. It was light, alien, confusing. Changing her without her knowing it. Althea was like a child in her eyes. An innocent little child enjoying her little feast. 

Althea noticed her grinning face.

"Come closer. Seat beside me. You're to far from me," she pointed on the nearest chair beside her.

Jade stood up, uncertain at first because it was hard for her to accept the fact that this little captured angel was like wind to her and she's a branch that, with no choice but to sways in every blow of the wind. She pulled the chair and laid her butt without leaving her eyes focused on Althea.

"Ahhhh," Althea motioned her mouth open, facing Jade and placing a piece of apple infront of her mouth.

Jade obliged, opening her mouth and Althea placed the fruit until Jade took a bite.

"Delicious, isn't it?" Althea asked with a content smile on her face and Jade nodded in response. "Let's finish this together. I can't eat them all alone,"

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