The Queen of Hell

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(play the youtube for a more effective battle effect)


Althea was slumped on a stone bed few paces away from Satan's throne. Demons were tempted to touch her but scared of their lord.

Althea flinched, feeling the coldness of the stone bed. She immediately sat upon remembering the last thing that had happened. She stood up and walked backwards hitting a tabled behind her.

"Don't be scared. child. No one is gonna harm you," Satan's voice was big and booming.

"I am not scared of you, lord of darkness. The light always prevail," Althea answered.

"Such bravery for a powerless angel. You see, that's what you get from sacrificing yourself to save a worthless devil,"

"Jade is not worthless. She's more valuable that all of you here combined!"

Satan gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into a fist, but he held back his anger.

"I know you are famished. Eat. Drink till you are satisfied,"

"I'm not touching nor place any produce of this world to my lips,"

Satan clicked on his fingers. His minions grabbed Althea and placed her back on the stone bed, locking her hands and feet. The dark lord descended from his throne and walked towards the table where the fruits of hell lined up. He took one fruit and a chalice of wine. Demons who surrounds Althea gave way when Satan came. One of the demons forced Althea's mouth to open and Satan crushed the fruits letting the bits and pieces fall down on the angel's opened mouth followed by the wine, then the demons shut her mouth. She has no choice but to swallow them.

When the food and wine flowed down her throat, they released her. Althea dropped on the ground, grasping for air. Her throat was burning as if it was fire she consumed. Her stomach was churning, the effect of the fruits of hell. Her skin began to darken. She cannot endure the pain much that she tore the skirt of her dress. 

On her head, little horns began to sprout, her teeth sharpened. Dark circles appeared around her eyes, demons wings coming out of her back, her voice changing.

When the episode was done, Althea stood up, her body emits steam. Satan stood infront of her with his hand up, waiting for the new demon to accept it.

"LISTEN ALL OF YOU!!!!! MEET YOUR DEMON QUEEN!!!" Satan introduced her.

The devil's minions rejoiced. The disappearance of David and Wila when they lost the battle was replaced by a much more powerful replacement, an angel turned demon.


In the kingdom, everyone was still silent. Gabriel cannot utter a word for the loss of his sister. He knows what Satan has in mind and it pains him to think of it.

Abby approached Jade, pulled her to sit on a cloud.

"Althea sacrificed her self for you. She gave you her light," Abby answered her in a sad tone.

"No, she shouldn't have done that,"

"Well, she thinks she has too. You are special to her. She loved you. She wanted to save you,"

"But why she has to give up her light?"

"That's the only way for you not to turn back into a demon,"

"I have to go back. I have to bring her back,"

"You can't," Gabriel sprang.

"What do you mean I can't? Have you forgotten who saved me? Who exchanged positions with me?"

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