Chapter 16: The Diary.

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 I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, right? I'll just take a look at it, it's not a big deal! I'm only doing it because I want to know what it says in there and what the book is. Okay? Don't judge me. I'll be so sorry for this. Ugh. 

I stealthily crept into the boys' dormitory and looked for Harry. Ron, Seamus, Dean, HARRY. I mentally laughed to myself. Oh my god, what am I doing? Ugh, this better be a good cause. I walked up to where his bed was and saw it. That book. Dark, more like a dark green color, and still drying from the wetness of the flooded floor. I smiled to myself, and slowly grabbed it, then, ran out of the boys' dormitories. Taking a deep breath and sighing, because I tried so hard to be quiet in there, I sat down on the couch. I knew no one would be there, I mean it is two in the morning.

        The next thing I did was open the book. Blank page. I turned it again. Blank page. And another. And another. The whole thing. Blank. No stray marks, and nothing written in it. Confused out of my mind, I turned it around. Put it up, turned it down, turned it up, turned to the left, turned to the right. And that's when I noticed something. In small, golden letter, on the back. It was clear how wide my eyes were open now. And I for sure was not dreaming. Right? 

No. It was there.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

My eyes are definitely deceiving me. Him. Out of all people. Had a diary. And I got my hands on it. Gross. Well, might as well try it out. The pages aren't just blank, they can't be. Something's hiding beneath them. I grabbed the ink and quill on the table and some of it dropped on the paper. Awkwardly enough, the parchment absorbed the ink. And it's just...gone... 

I furrowed my brows. And then I wrote. 

Hi. I'm Sapphire Everg Black. 

You'll never believe what happens next. My writing disappeared. But, more writing appeared.

Sapphire. Evening. Remember me? I'm Tom Riddle. 

A/N: OOOHHH. Haha, well here's the second update for today! Yay! Guys, comments mean so so so so much to me. Please comment a bit more. Thanks, so much! 

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