Chapter 41 -Part 2-: And the All Nighter Begins.

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"Thank you, sir." I smiled and sat down.

I looked to the floor, unsure of what to say or do. I finally came to the conclusion of the most common ice breaker.

"So, the weather, huh? Pretty humid out there..." I mumbled.

"It sure is. Makes the situation with Buckbeak that much more tense." Fudge said with a twinge of sadness, but it left as quickly as it came.

"Oh, uhm, right..that.." I blushed with embarrassment. What in hell am I even doing here? I'm only making poor Hagrid feel worse and I need to get the Wolfsbane to Remus. I got up quickly.

"Where ya goin'?" Hagrid asked, curious.

"Me? Oh, I have to help Severus grade some papers. You know, end of the year things." I bit my bottom lip and glanced at Malfoy, who was sporting his usual smirk.

"Really? I would've never taken you as someone helping Severus." He said.

"Excuse me?" I asked loudly, walking towards him faster. Hell, I was about to hurt him, but Dumbledore pulled me back gently.

Malfoy never had time to answer my question, as I left the hut in a hurry. I looked around outside, and noticed movement behind the pumpkins.

Three figures seemed to crouch there.

I shook it off...must be the pumpkins.

I kept walking towards the Whomping Willow. I haven't been here in years.

It was already getting dark, and I was afraid Remus wouldn't hold on much longer.

I made it into the Shrieking Shack by ways of the knot, and saw footprints.

Oh, no. Remus.

Although, they looked like a dog's footprints rather than Remus' usual


No way.

"Sapphire, be careful. He-he's here." It was Ron's voice, shaky...terrified.

I looked up, afraid of what I'd see.

And just as I thought to rule out the possibility, I saw him standing there.

There was no way.

But it's happening.


"Oh-Oh my God."

"Mum, you should run." Autumn's voice rang out.

And I did.

I ran towards him, and it was one of the best kisses we have ever shared.

a/n: wow idk was it too short? Don't worry this is not the end! Let me know what you thought of the chapter thanks you guys!

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