Chapter 2

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The next day

Pit and I went down for breakfast. When I mean Pit and I, visualize me carrying him because that's what ended up happening. Everyone was as usual this morning although tired from packing and kind of PO'd. After we finished eating, we walked to the brawl room, we were scared to look what rooms we would be in.

"Let's see... room 202, I'm kinda finding it weird that they number the rooms but whatever I guess." I said.

I collected my things, waved goodbye to Pitto and walked off to my new room.



I looked around the new room, it just didn't feel right I guess. I missed having Marth as a roommate already, and I hoped that my new roommate wouldn't be Sonic or Kirby or someone like that. That being said I don't think I'd miss the Altean Prince's love stories about his wife all the time  and his, "When are you going to court someone??" Nagging either.
As if on cue, I heard the doorknob turn and a beautiful blonde girl? Boy? What?
I narrowed my eyes at the person in front of me. They looked at me and smiled.

"Ha, I guess we're roomies then, my name is Link. What's yours?" Link said.

"Uh um it's Ike?" I said probably coming off as rude.

I've been here for over ten years and I haven't seen this person? This is kind of pathetic honestly, but they seem as aloof as people say I am. Also is that falsetto they're talking in or are they actually a woman, gotta test this out.
(Doesn't really matter because this is a lemon fanfic and anything can happen >:)) -A/N)
I smirked and picked Link up putting him on my lap.

"W-what are you doing I-Ike!" Link blushed madly.

"What I want to get to know you better. We're roommates right? Also I'm known for acting on impulse, so you should probably watch out for that." I said seductively.

I put my hand on Link's thigh. I wasn't really thinking, my body just moved. It wasn't like everything was a blur, I knew what I was doing. It's just that, it felt okay. I mean this wasn't really legit, I was just doing this in order to pry. I'm like the most sexless person ever. Link swallowed hard and started to move, probably feeling uncomfortable. I started to move away.
"Um," they started, "would it be possible that you don't touch my thighs while we're talking please?"
I chuckled and moved my hand to his knee.
"So," I started, "what do you like to do for fu-" I was suddenly cut off by the door opening, and Pit and Marth sticking their heads in.

"Hey guys, Link has to brawl." Pit said.

"Great timing guys! I think I was just about to get-" I picked up the Hylian by suprise again, this time setting him on the floor before he could finish. "Ah!"

Marth stepped inside and looked at the two of us. No red flags were going off in either of their eyes for some reason, but I was fine with that.

"Sorry Link, you know how mercenaries are, he's quite blunt and physical. Take it as a sign of friendship." Marth smiled.

"Thanks for the intro Mar-Mar." I chided.

Marth smiled evily, "No problem, Ikey-poo. Anyway, Link, we've gotta go now, sorry about his impudence."

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Link. He still looked confused but nodded.

He turned to me, "See you later?"

"Yeah, okay." I said disappointed, but also relieved. I was saved that Marth took Link's outburst that way. Nothing romantic about it. Link got up off the floor and pranced over to Marth and co. Light left the room as the door closed behind them. I wanted to stay with Link but... well... ugh.
After the three of them left, I laid on my bed and thought, what gender is that Link, I'm not gay am I! I should have asked sooner.

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