Chapter 7

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The game I belonged to had quite the history. Even still, the recroom was organized and clean; a long hall stretched out to an open area, then outside where there was even more to look at. The hall contained various doors belonged to different games. The open area was where characters interacted. The outside was Hyrule at its finest. Navi seemed to always look longingly at the doors I could never recognize. She had suddenly become my ally when I had come here. Maybe she belonged to a different 'Link'? I didn't know, all I knew was that she never strayed from me.

I came from a world with a Twilight Princess, and a deceased Hero of Time. I guessed Navi didn't know Midna, but knew The Hero of Time. I, of course was his reincarnation.
To her, I was probably just a copy of someone she knew and loved. That never got me down though! I walked down the long hall, seeing Sheik at the end. Weird, there's no one here. I thought as I looked abroad.

Sheik was Zelda, but Sheik was a guy. It was weird, but Zelda said her predecessor had helped The Hero of Time in that form. Her whiskey-colored eyes looked right through me but a couple of hand signs and one glowing triforce later, Zelda stood.

"Hello Twilight," she said.
"Hello your highness. If i may ask- where the Din is everyone? This place is usually crowded." I inquired.
"I'm not sure, I was in my quarters last night; but I do recall hearing mention of a carnival that was supposed to take place at midnight yesterday, strange." She responded quietly, looking at the empty, open area.

"Why would there be a carnival at midnight? What for?"
I asked myself leaning against the wall and sliding until I was sitting.
The Queen looked down at me, her piercing eyes were thinking.

"I'm not sure." She said pacing back and forth.

"Who knows what's happened to them, they could be hurt," she stopped and horror took her features, "Ganon could have taken them!"

She kept pacing before sliding down the wall where I was, "I can't mess up again, I don't think I could take it. I'm a horrible ruler that's done nothing but put my people through and through turmoil, you most of all Link!"

"Zelda!" I started, "Don't say things like that, with the amount that's been pushed unto you, anyone else would have run the country into the ground. Plus, you're a Queen for God's sake; anyone that says your a bad ruler doesn't know the gravity of your position." I finished with a smile.

Zelda got up off the floor and looked down at me, "I've never heard you talk so much Twilight."

She held out her hand which I took and I stood up looking at the door.


Zelda hated mysteries; in fact, she absolutely loathed them. When she was young, she was told the story of the princess that disguised herself for 7 years. That princess helped The Hero of Time, solving puzzles in various dungeons, and teaching him the melodies of each ancient temple. That woman was lost in time until the Zelda of today was born.

Zelda had thought that they were only legends until she was brought to the mansion. There, all the memories from her predecessors flooded back to her; every agonizing puzzle, every boss strategy, every memory with him.


I snapped my head up at the sound of the age-worn door creaking open. I heard the familiar sound of Soren's robes drifting across the ground.

"You made it." Zelda stated, her eyes looking into Soren's.

"You said something wasn't right; I'm not known for being kind, but I won't neglect someone like you Queen Zelda." Soren said.

Soren was Ike's best friend, they could even be considered brothers with how much time they were together. But unlike Ike, Soren was weak and frail-looking from malnourishment after being abandoned as a child. He also had a red brand on his forehead which he hated with every cell in his being. Despite that, he was gifted with magic and extremely intelligent. Although because of his crooked past, he was bitter and cold to pretty much anyone except Ike. But because of his social rank, he still had utmost respect to the Queen in front of him.

"Well then Soren, look in to that brain of yours and tell me where my people have scattered." Zelda ordered.

"Well," he started, opening a book, "The carnival of time happens every year in the country of Termina. It's not close to Hyrule, but in this realm, it's right next door. The carnival goes from midnight till morning. The carnival celebrates peace more than time really. Your people are sleeping Zelda, not dead, hurt or maimed."

Zelda smiled and sighed in relief. She thanked Soren for his help before Soren spoke again.

"One more thing," Soren turned to me, "a man there said he wanted to see you, he called himself 'Time' or something like that. Peculiar as it is; he looks like you. If you go to Termina, he's in Clock Town right under the Clock Tower."

With that, Soren turned and left the Rec room, the sound of his exit echoing through the empty hall.

"Well, that was frightening, I'll be in quarters until everyone is back, have fun on your trip Twilight!" Zelda said, walking out after Soren.

With that behind me, I started to walk towards the doors to the outside before Navi stopped me.

"NO." She squeaked.

To be continued...

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