Chapter 6

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I woke up to harsh, high-pitched yelling, "Hey, bitch wake up!" Navi said, circling my head. "Saria left a note!" (Saria was Link's best friend when he was younger. Also she doesn't age past 10.) I looked over to a note taped neatly near the doornob.
It's contents was as follows,
Dear Link,
Zelda has an urgent message, it's requested that you come down immediately.
Sincerely, Saria
(A/N also this is a bit of a Zelda au per say, since I'm kinda mixing up characters from different games.)
"What could be so damn urgent at this time in the morning?!" Navi screeched.
"SHHH!" I whisper-screamed to the energetic fairy.
"Ok, ok. Now hurry up ranch boy." Navi said before dissapearing.
I got up and put on my clothes before going down to their game's recroom.
(A/N: each game gets its own recroom to hang out in and other characters will be there, for example: the Xenoblade Chronicles room will be a place that Shulk can hang out in, but other people from his game will be there too.)
I woke up to find no blond next to me. The Ragnell was propped against the wall with a note hanging off its handle.
Dear Ike,
Did you ACTUALLY forget about the party I've been planing for a whole year? !?!? Get DOWN here young man!
Love, your favorite King of Altea (Marth<3)
"Are you fucking serious." I grunted while getting dressed and heading towards the Fire Emblem recroom.
I walked in the spacious room, and before me I saw two familiar faces.
"Commander Ike!" Soren and Titania practically yelled running towards me and hugging me.
"It's been awhile hasn't it." Soren said in his soft voice.
"Try six months." I said somewhat harshly.
"It's been that long? I thought you were only gone a week." Titania confided.
"Well time passes differently here ya know."
Suddenly, the door opened and in stepped four people I'd seen.
A man and a woman with white hair who both seemed to be mages.
A man with blue hair and the exalt mark on his right shoulder, and finally a woman with blue hair who seemed to have a discoloration in her left eye.
Their eyes widened at me before walking up to me staring at the Ragnell.
"Are you..." the blue haired man started.
"Am I..?" I continued.
The way his hair framed his face he almost looked like Marth, except this man was clearly older and didn't have a crown.
"The Radiant Hero." The blue haired woman stated.
"I don't know about hero, but my name is Ike." I said.
"That's what we mean dude." Was the somewhat dry statement from the white haired thunder mages.
"Well I guessed we'd better introduce ourselves; I'm Chrom, this is my daughter Lucina, and those are the Robins." Chrom said.
"The Robins?" Soren questioned.
"I'm his wife." Said F. Robin.
Chrom scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Yeah and I'm his best friend, what's that got to do with the price of a silver sword?" M. Robin retorted at his female counterpart.
The two bickered back and forth while I sighed, I hope Mist is OK. I suddenly thought.
Yes, seeing those two fight reminded me of my baby sister. It also reminded me of Marth, who I had yet to see.
"Where is Marth." I asked, turning away from the four.
"He isn't here yet Ike." Titania responded.
The nerve of some people. I thought.
Just then, the recroom doors sprang open revealing the young hero king himself.
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear-" Titania started.
"Dressed in blue!" Soren finished.
Marth was old, I'm talking extremely old, but nevertheless he had that youthful smile on his face as his eyes grazed the crowd.

He wasn't always the serious swordsman that the fight always showed him to be. In fact, around the people he knew, most would label him more of a dork than a hero. Hero or dork aside, he treasured his family and friends above all else. Maybe that's what Caeda liked about him. His eyes fell upon Titania, Soren, and I. As he walked over to us, he noticed the group of newcomers and immediately-
"RELATIVES~" He yelled/sang.
He jumped unto Chrom and Lucina.
"GHOST!" F. Robin screamed before hitting the boy on the back of the head.
The Mighty Hero King dropped to the ground from the likes of a scared tactician.
"He's not a ghost ol' white hair." I said to F. Robin.

I picked up Marth and slung him over my shoulder, walking away from the crowd. Near the entrance was a couch littered with throw pillows and the like. I dropped him there, looking back to see the others looking at a man in the corner. I couldn't see him very well, as he took to the shadows quite well. All I saw was a sword that looked all too familiar....

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