Chapter 15

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"How on earth aren't you hung over?" Link asked, crossing his arms on a table and placing his head on them.

Before answering, I looked around the house, listening to the noise that came with morning, blinking away my fatigue.

"I've never gotten sick in my life... and maybe She just loves me." I answered him honestly, leaning back in the rustic chair I was sitting in.

"She? Your Goddess? In my country we have three, and... Ike are you listening?" Link started.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I was honey, it's just that," I got up, walking to the door, "doesn't that bird call seem off to you?" I looked back at him.

Link raised his eyebrows, walking towards the door with utter annoyance on his face. He swung the door open to reveal four children, whistling with passion and a little madness.

"Beth? Colin? Luda? Malo? What are you doing here so early?! And what's with the bird mockery?" Link asked the kids, placing a hand on his hip.

"I- I didn't wanna do it!" One boy started, jumping up, "It was Malo's idea! He wanted to scare you!"

"Malo! You know Colin doesn't like hurting people! And if you wanted to frighten me, shouldn't you try something, well, more scary? I have have a pet hawk y'know." He crouched down to the children.

"Oh whatever Link! I get it, we can't scare you any- wait, who's that!" Said the boy who I presumed was 'Malo.'

All four of them saw past Link and looked to me. Link stood up, realizing I had heard everything.

"Holy moly! This guy is huge! He's like a wall, bigger than Bo even!" One of the girls said.

"I didn't know there were people bigger than the mayor, and maybe Ganondorf... well, he's gone now isn't he Link?" Said the other girl, looking up at Link.

Link smiled, "You betcha Luda! Anyway, this is Ike, he's from-"

"You're Ike?" Probably Malo said, raising his tiny eyebrows, "What is this, some kind of hero get together? Or maybe you two are-"

Before he could finish, "Yeah, that's what they call me. You heard of me? I guess news spreads here a lot quicker than I thought." I said scratching my head.

"Oh, this town has its share of gossips," Link said, glaring at Malo, "I'm sure they know a little about every fighter at the mansion, Ike." He finished, looking up at me.

"I'd say more than a little, but, who cares. How did you get in here? The surrounding woods are full of wild beasts! I'm suprised an outsider would survive." Malo said.

"Well, I am from the beast country, and plus there's a road." I said bluntly.

At that, the children lit up, "Tell us more!"

Link sighed, "Guys, I know you want to disect his whole life, but, we have things to do today, so, tell Bo I said hi and go play somewhere else."

There was a collective, "Aw!" And a few unsuccessful puppy dog faces before the children ran off. Once they were out of sight, Link turned around, closing the door, and walked to the counter.

"Ugh." He groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh come on honey," I said, walking towards him, "they aren't that bad." He put his head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I know, it's just, it reminds me of young I am, and, well, I just want to get out of here." He said while looking up at me.

I smiled at him, "Then live with me. Everyone at the fort would love you."

His eyes widened, "L-live together! I- I don't know what to-" he stuttered miserably.

I kissed him as to shut him up, "When we're not fighting, I want you to live with me. It's not that hard a concept babe."

He looked down in embarrassment, blushing cutely, "I know! It just makes me nervous. I've never dated anyone, more, moved into their house! What if your friends don't like me? I'll feel so out of place." He pressed his cheek onto my chest, looking up.

I shook my head, "No no no, they aren't like that, Link. We welcome new people all the time, it's not like we're cold to outsiders. Anyway, you should get your stuff packed up, Tellius doesn't run clothes in size Hylian."

Link blushed at the last comment blowing up his cheeks, "I'm not that small!"

I chuckled, "Yeah, in women's- Hey, I guess Mist could lend you some clothes; I'd love to see you in a dress."

Link gasped, pushing me away, "Nope, uh uh! My ass has had enough this week! I'll pack my stuff, just uhm.... Can you clean out my fridge? I probably won't be back for a while, and I don't want to come back to a nasty fridge full of rotten food." He said while opening his drawers and getting out a backpack.

I laughed, walking to the fridge, "Won't be a problem for me."

I opened the fridge, taking everything out and placing it on the counter. So much of... everything. This kid must eat as much as I do. I thought.

By the time I finished, the counter was full. As I took into account my work, the sound of light footsteps were audible behind me. Link wrapped his arms around my waist, poking his head out from behind my back to survey the surplus of food.

"Holy Din. What am I gonna do with it?" He blinked at the pile.

"Why do you even have this much in the first place?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.

"It was on sale!" He protested.

"Who sold you all this then? It's just I think this is pretty large variety for things on sale, yknow? Sometimes meat is on sale, other days it's fruit. Never all this together." I looked back at the pile.

"I don't know, but she had red hair and eyes. Oh yeah! Her name was Anna I think." He chirped.

My face fell, "Dear Goddess, you've been Anna'd."

He look confused, "Huh?"

I shook my head, "You'll see her again, don't worry. There's more than one you see, most are merchants, but sometimes it changes. It's a story for another day. In the meantime, I'll call Ranulf. He'll use this all I bet, Laguz have one hell of an appetite."

Link smiled, although somewhat confused, "Alright! I'm ready when you are."

With that, Link grabbed his bag. I took his hand, saying, "Well, off to another land."


A/N: I'm thinking of updating once a week. (yay!) Every Wednesday I'll try to write, but I'll probably also update more than that! If you guys have any headcannons/ideas for the fic, comment them. I like to hear feedback! Anyway, happy reading. ♡♡ -a happy writer

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