Chapter 9

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"No?" I asked Navi.

She flew around me as if she were on fire before darting off.

"He- hey!" I ran after her but no avail; She was gone.

Now I was completely alone. It wasn't like I wasn't used to it but, it was still depressing. Remembering what Soren had said, I walked down that long hallway I'd mentioned earlier looking for,'Termina'. I'd been there before on accident so it wasn't hard to find. That being said, there was a reason I didn't go running back there. It's so creepy. You'd think it would be completely different from Hyrule since it's all the way across the world -but it isn't. It's almost identical to Hyrule; the people, the music, and even some of the landscape is identical. The only things different are some of the customs. It's almost like a dream world that someone is stuck in.

I walked in the door, although hesitantly. Strolling through Termina Field, I looked up to the sky, it was clear and the moon was far off now- there was peace in this land. Tales of old say that the moon once hung so close to the earth, the people collected the moon's tears and gave them to their loved ones as presents. Now they go for over a thousand rupees sadly.

Before going into Clock Town, I walked all over; it really was like Hyrule. The trees swayed softly in the afternoon breeze, one of the branches shifted in the wind and revealed a gossip stone. I'd heard about these but never had seen them; fairies hid in them and told time to whomever touched them. Although in Termina, apparently they scare the living shit out of you. Time to see if that's right! I mean- do I really deserve the triforce of courage if I get scared by a measly stone? I ran over to it and touched it. Nothing. I touched it again, more nothing. I kicked the darned rock,


"A-AH?!" I yelled, falling on my butt.
I'm glad Ike didn't see me do that... wait a sec.

"HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT?" I screamed, remembering last night.

"Who the heck are you and why are you screaming this early?" The stone asked.

"Oh goddesses forgive me- Huh? Oh I'm sorry I was just begging for penance, I'm Link." I replied.

"You're not Link! Link is just a little boy! And plus, he knows that I sleep until two in the afternoon every Saturday." The fairy said.

"Oh well, Link is a historic name where I'm from and- wait a second, isn't it Sunday?" I spoke.

"Oh Sunday, Saturday, it's the weekend! In any case, if you're going to Clock Town, IT'S PACKED! People from Hyrule and all of Termina were there for the carnival of time yesterday. My brother and I were there last night. The only place that wasn't completely full was that little area under the clock tower. That's where my Link is! Although I don't know why, it's so depressing.... ANYWAY! I'm Tatl, if you see my brother, he's purple and his name is Tael. And ummm- Ooo! You see that tree over there?" she said.

I turned my head, staring at the 15 or so trees, "Uhm... Which tree?" I asked as politely as possible.

"UGH, does EVERYONE with the name Link need multiple instructions? The interesting one with the blue thingys sticking out of course! Shake that one, it's chock full of moon tears! When the moon was close to the earth, they would drop all the time near this area and Link would put them in the leaves. I asked him if he still wanted them and he told me to keep them or give em away. It's your lucky day! I don't like them personally, plus they're bigger than I am. You seem like a nice fellow; take them all! Hey look at you go ahaha- that's one way to get them I guess- ah! Here they come!"

There was no way in Hylia I was passing something like this up. I picked up every single one I saw and counted ten.

"Ah, that's fun; but who do I give these to Tatl?" I asked.

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