Chapter 16

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Finally back in the mansion after twenty four hours of turmoil and discovery, Ike, with his new partner beside him, traversed the hallways and doors that would eventually lead him home. He hadn't been on Tellius' soil since he had left her for good, embarking on a long journey with his tactician after the war. Link had never seen Tellius, only hearing of it through Soren and Ike.

The duo reached the Fire Emblem recroom door. Even before opening it, Link could hear the noise that echoed through the hall. FE was known for its amount of characters. For this reason, Ike, remembered for being somewhat a loner, stayed away from the hall, wanting none of the gossip or attention that spread so easily there.

Ike turned toward his partner, saying, "Stay close, alright? It gets pretty hectic in here, and I don't want you to get trampled... or catcalled."

Link's eyebrows raised, "Catcalled? But I'm a guy!" He said defensively.

Ike chuckled, "A couple things, honey: 1. I told you when I was drunk, you look like a girl. 2. Women and gay men exist. 3. I know a lot of people that will fuck anything that moves, just stay close, OK?"

Link sighed, "I know what you mean with the women part, I get hit on all the time, but I don't get called out... usually. Yeah, I think I'll stick by you." Link thought aloud.

Ike smiled and ruffled Link's hair, pulling him into his chest, "I wouldn't have it any other way." He finished, kissing Link's hair.

As they were standing next to the doors, not in front, people going in and out, didn't end up knocking in to them. Either way, most noticed the duo, and either continued on their merry way, or, to Ike's annoyance and Link's utter embarrassment, called out things varying from, "Aw! Cute!" to, "Oye! Get some, Ike!"

Ike rolled his eyes, taking Link by the hand. He pushed open the recroom door, revealing, as Link has assumed previously, hundreds of people. Unlike how Link's recroom had been the day prior, people bustled through the halls, never ceasing to slow down, or really leave. Some noticed Ike, stopping him to chat and ask stupid things of the like. Link didn't mind; He actually enjoyed seeing Ike talk to people. For him it was calming, therapeutic even, to see someone he admired so much enjoying themselves.

"Where ya been lately?" A woman started, "Your sister has been looking for you! Anyway, it's nice to see you, boss. Training hasn't been the same without you, y'know? And-" The woman interrupted herself, "Oh? You gotta friend? Hi! I'm Mia, this guy's old training buddy!" She nudged Ike on the arm.

Ike turned so Mia could see more of Link, "Mia, this is Link. He's my roommate remember?" Link waved shyly.

Mia smiled, "Oh yeah! The hero-wolf guy! That's so cool! Boss, maybe you two should train together."

Ike chuckled, "Eh, we do something like that." Ike pulled Link into his side.

Link blushed, elbowing Ike and death glaring him. Mia noticed and laughed, then abruptly stopped, "Wait- I KNEW IT!!!" She jumped into the air, pointing fiercely at Ike, then whispered, "I hecking knew you were gay."

Ike wrinkled his forehead, "Really? How long have you known, also me and him are dating, but keep it on the low."

Mia nodded, "Yeah, yeah, it's not really anyone's business anyway, right? And uh, I knew it the minute I met you. I told your dad and well, he said, 'That explains a lot, oh well, Mist will have kids. I just want him be good at swinging a sword and not in a relationship anyway.'"

Ike's jaw fell, "Well, shit. Thanks dad."

Link, who had been listening from under Ike's astounded face, giggled. His smile got wider as the conversation continued, laughing at how blunt Mia was to her ex-boss.

As the taking went on, Mia suggested, "Hey! Why don't you guys come back to the fort! We could have a little get together, it'll be fun, y'know?"

Ike smiled, "That's actually exactly where were going, I'm moving back in for the meantime."

Mia's eyes lit up, "Really! This is great! I moved out a little while ago to journey around but since we're all couped up in this game, I moved back. So did everyone else ironically. Is Link gonna be there?" Link nodded and smiled.

"WHOO HOO! FOLLOW ME BOYS!" Mia yelled, before running away.

Ike rolled his eyes, "Dear Yune, she's still a hyper bunny."

Link laughed, before running after Mia, tugging Ike's hand, "C'mon, we'll lose her!" He said.

Ike chuckled, pulling Link by his hand into his chest. He picked up the Hylian bridal-style, saying, "Yeah, you're right." And started jogging after Mia.

Link wiggled around in his partner's hold, trying to free himself unsuccessfully. He whined for Ike to put him down, but to no avail. Link looked up at Ike's face, admiring his features while he wasn't paying attention. Before he knew it, they had gone through a door, and around them was the great outdoors.

Ike set Link down, and surveyed the area. Mia was leaning against a tree close by, waiting for the couple.

Ike hugged Link close to him saying, "Yep, this is the Crimea I know."

Link looked up to Ike, "Crimea? Is that the country we're in?"

Ike nodded, "I lived here for thirteen years, the old fort where we stayed should be up ahead."

Ike and Link walked together, reaching where Mia was. She walked with them, hands in her pockets and hummed, a joyful pep in her step.

Soon, a rustic old castle came info view. Outside it, a knight with green hair was tending to his horse, a basket a what looked like herbs near him.

Mia called, waving her arm, "Ay, Oscar! You sure you got enough herbs for dinner? We got two extra guests tonight." She laughed.

Oscar turned his head towards the sound of Mia's voice, his ever squinting eyes opening for the first time in his life.

"Oh dear!" The humble knight started, picking up the basket, "I don't think I do.- Wait a second!" He realized suddenly, "Titania! Mist! Everyone! Ike is home!"


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