Chapter 10

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"Wait a minute, your mother didn't have green eyes?"

"No, Marth always mistakes Mia for Elena even though my mother is quite deceased, he might only be 19, but I think he's going senile."

Priam hadn't left and was still pinning me with questions, 'Who was in the Greil Mercenaries? Were you really part of the Crimean Court?' y'know, silly stuff. The more he asked the more my mind wandered to, 'Who the hell did I marry?'

Priam didn't know; apparently after I left the continent, (good ol' Tellius) not much was written about my whereabouts with Soren at all. I didn't mind, that just meant I'd figure it out on my own.

But then, there was that other problem, Link. I never thought I'd have a one night stand with an elf but I also thought I'd never have a descendant either, this week was full of suprises and I had a feeling it wasn't over yet. What I'd give to see that elf again though. I thought hopelessly. To hell, this damned feeling.

I'd never been really interested in a relationship since most of the talking I did with people outside the Greil Mercenaries was during war time -not really ideal for weddings. But now, I was free and a lot more laid back, Titania said I was a different man. My shoulders weren't as stoic, my resting bitch face toned down, and I felt like I could cry. I was looking for change, and in that boy, I think I had finally found some. But he's like 17 --but that's the age of consent in Tellius --WE'RE NOT IN TELLIUS GENERAL --

"Grandpa, I hate to snap you from your thoughts, but I thought I'd let you know I'm leaving to meet up with Lucina." I stared up at Priam before blinking and processing what he said.

"Oh? You living under the same roof now? Now I know not to leave you two alone from here on-"

"Ugh, no, we're just friends General."

"1. I gave up being a general. 2. Haar said the same thing about Jill and now they have two little ones, stay safe Priam."

He shook his head before walking out, adding, "Blue hair isn't really my type!"

"Yeah and Haar said he wouldn't screw his senior's daughter- horny teenagers." I said to no one in particular, finally getting out of the hospital bed.

I strolled through the mansion, taking my sweet time to get to my -no our room. In the corner of my eye, I saw a creature, it was a cat, but one I knew very well. His teal fur made him stick out like a sore thumb among the throng of people walking around the area. Finally, he turned his eyes to me, one of them green, the other violet. If a cat could smirk, Ranulf was an expert. He leaped towards me and shifted back into a person his hand resting on his hip.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to come back and see little old me. How's it been Ike? I haven't seen since Ashera fell."

Ranulf had also become laid back after the war, he was back to his old self, like the cat-man I knew when I was seventeen. He looked generally excited and thrilled to be back in this place.

"A bit crazy, old friend, I found out I have a descendant and that I like dick, it doesn't add up." I said and leaned on the nearest wall, I stared at the ceiling with my arms crossed and tried prying through these weeks events.

"Haha well, that's life for ya. Anyway, couldn't your descendant be Mist and Boyd's direct descendant? It's possible. Also, literally, and I mean literally, everyone knew you were gay. If you weren't, you'd be a father by now for sure." He chuckled and smirked.

"You think I'm that prolific?"

"No Ike, I just really believe you're a flaming homosexual that had the potential to be a straight horndog." The way he said was somehow more offensive then the contents of what he said- that being stated this was same person that fell into my category of 'people that can openly offend me and I'll just laugh' people. It was Ranulf being himself again and I was more than happy to encourage it.

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