Chapter 13 *Yaoi*

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"I'd actually love to see you like that again," Ike said, kissing Link on the neck slowly.

Good goddesses! Link thought, Two nights in a row?!

"Ike! You're in no condition to- Ahh!"

Ike undid Link's belt buckle, sliding off his pants with the most careful of motions. Link sensed it anyway, and began squirming under the 6'5 man.
Ike pinned Link's arms above his head and kissed him to shut up his protest. Links eyes widened as he felt something poking at his leg.

"Ahh!" Link yelped, moving back against the headboard in fear, "Nayru, no! That thing hurts!"

Ike was taken back, his eyes widened in shock, "W-what? I've been hurting you? Why didn't you say anything?" He looked hurt and guilty, something Link hated to see from his lover.

Oh no! Look what I've done! He's still tipsy and probably taking everything to heart, Link thought.

"I- I'm sorry, Ike I didn't mean it like that... well, you're just rough is all! But I still like it," Link said, getting off the bed and kneeling on the ground.

"Huh? What are you- ugh~" Ike groaned as he felt Link's mouth take hold of him.

"Link, you really don't need to- ahh~" Ike grabbed onto Link's hair, turning his own head down so he could see into Link's eyes.

Ike had always loved Link's eyes, but now he had a newfound appreciation for them. Getting impatient and hornier by the second, Ike gently pushed Link's head off his cock and lifted him by the waist, back on to the bed. Link spread his legs out on the bed, while his partner pulled down his shorts, and then his shirt.

Ike smirked, crawling in between Link's legs, and started kissing up his bottom's thigh. "Well, that makes things easier then, huh?" He said, pulling down Link's underwear.

Bipolar and horny drunk, sweet Din I'm screwed, Link thought.

The Hylian gasped as Ike's mouth sucked and licked the inside of his thighs, leaving hickeys and gentle bite marks abroad the area. Ike stuck a finger inside his small partner, chuckling at Link's further reactions. He moved up from the smaller boy's thighs and started working on his neck. Link constantly squirmed and tossed, making noise at every jolt.

"C'mon sweetheart, you know this isn't the worst of it. Hold still and let me fuck you." The elder growled into Link's neck.

"I- nngh-ah!" Link managed to get out before Ike inserted another finger.

Ike reached into his back pocket, finding lube and pulling out his fingers to apply the substance.

"H-how do you have so much of that?" Link asked, catching his breath.

"This girl Anna," Ike started, clearing the raspiness from his voice and inserting his fingers back into Link, "she sells everything. I asked her if she sold organs on the black market once, you should've seen the face she-" Link cut Ike off with a kiss as he felt the lube being massaged inside him.

Link giggle-moaned, "Ike~ Stop talking and make me feel good again." Link stopped his giggling as he watched at Ike's appearance darken.

"Alright then, I was gonna go easy on you because you're probably still sore, but...." Ike threw the bottle of lube somewhere and hovered over Link, taking him by the hips and violently thrusting in to his partner.

Link yelped and moaned, arching his back. He clawed onto the sheets for dear life as he felt the wrath of a 6'5 man slam into him repeatedly. Ike grabbed Link and turned him over, grabbing on to the boy's hips until they turned white. While doing this, he took advantage of the position and began biting Link's ear, groaning into his neck.

Link could feel his body melt as Ike hit his spot over and over, constantly moaning into his pillow with tears forming in his eyes.

"I-Ike, it's too much to take down here!~" Link said while trying to meet his lover's eyes.

Ike said nothing, but sat himself on the bed and pulled Link into his chest, hovering over his cock, "Then how 'bout you take it up here?" He asked roughly, his voice hungry and restless.

"You want me to ride it?" Link asked, sounding innocent on accident, while cocking his head to the side.

Ike again said nothing, but forced Link's body to take him in. Link yelped but took the initiative, putting his arms around Ike's neck and rocking himself on the cock inside of him. Ike groaned and kissed Link's small neck, putting his arms around the small waist in front of him.

The more he moved, the more Link tired. If anyone could sense it at the moment, it was Ike's horny cock, displeased at the slowing momentum it was receiving. Ike kissed Link while picking up his small body and thrusting into him and enjoying the feeling of Link's warmth.

Link moaned audibly, nearing his orgasm. As Ike was as well, he began thrusting faster and harder, making the noise from Link only grow.

"Ike! I'm close-" Twilight moaned out before putting his head in the crook of Ike's neck.

Ike kissed Link out of his hiding place in the mercenary's neck, before the two opened their eyes. Link kissed Ike back before intently staring into his partner's eyes and releasing himself onto his own chest, then shutting his eyes closed going limp. Ike came in the Hylian, groaning out. The two were exhausted.

Ike pulled out of his lover, staring at the dazed looking boy on his chest before kissing him sweetly, saying, "See, it didn't hurt that bad, right?"


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