Chapter 11

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For whatever reason or the next, the halls were bustling with people of all sorts of origins. I walked quickly through them, hoping I wouldn't run into anyone else that might impede my progress towards the rec rooms.

Times when the mansion was like this, reminded me of late occurrences in both the wars, when we had hundreds of people squished inside a castle here and there, most of the men falling asleep wherever they could and reveling in having a roof over their head for the first time in what could have been months. As the commander, (and then the general, in both wars) I didn't have the time for sleeping, adrenaline always pumping through me just so I could stay awake. It aged me far beyond what twenty looks like, my habit of perpetual training didn't help me out either. I am twenty, but twenty has never looked so wretched.

I pushed open the rec room door, looking around for any sign of Link. Nothing. Honestly, what did I expect? He probably never wants to see me again, I've taken away from him something you're supposed to share with someone you love, I thought.

I leaned up against a wall near nothing in particular and thought aloud, "Well, Ranulf was talking about that love 'feeling' being everywhere; maybe it's around him too..., oh fuck he's right, I am lovesick."

I heaved a sigh and walked outside, staring at the large field ahead, "And now where am I gonna go? South Castle Town isn't really specific dude," I said to the sky, hoping Ranulf's superb hearing could pick up on my frustration. Again, nothing. I should really stop expecting things and go back to how I was when I was seventeen: really goddamn independent.

"Oh I think I can help with that!" Said someone from behind me.

"Oh fuck!-"

"Oh I beg your pardon, I'm the Postman, I run all over Hyrule Field and I can tell you where to head!"

"You really shouldn't approach a mercenary like that, we're quick on the draw-"

"Mercenary? In Hyrule? Why would we need a mercenary when our elite army guards us from protection?"

"The same army that let a random mercenary enter their country undetected and needs a seventeen year old with stunted growth to save their hides from a pig guy? Dubious. Yeah whatever you say, just tell me where this town is." I interjected, slowly getting angrier each time this guy opened his mouth.

He was speechless and seemingly shellshocked before slowly raising a finger and pointing towards where a castle stood in the distance, "The town is over in that direction... er... sir, enter through the southern gate and you should be there, if you're looking for Telma's bar, take an immediate left after you enter the town and turn right, you'll be at the door."

With that, the postman scurried on his way the hell out of dodge away from me. I rolled my eyes and followed the way he pointed, taking notice of all the nature around me. I have spent a good amount of time outdoors in my lifetime, not because of war, but because of my upbringing. I might be a Lord now, but I wasn't born one, it's a position I earned and only because of circumstance; if it were my way, I would have never have become one. Lords are always shut up in fancy castles while they waste money on needless things- well at least in my continent. Marth and the others seem like well reared individuals, I wouldn't slap the shit out of anyone of them, given I had the chance. Unfortunately, most nobles I've lived through, (not the Queens though) are just glorified rapists in every sense of the word.

I heaved another sigh, walking up to the castle town gate, pushing it ever so roughly open. The town -like the mansion halls- was clustered with people, going to and fro from where ever to where ever. I stuck out a bit because of my height and general glare, but most people were too concerned with their personal affairs and business to pay me any mind. I strode and turned the sharp left I'd been advised to take, padding down some stairs before seeing a wide opening, further down was the entrance to the bar. As I was walking, I heard a small meow behind me, I  turned around to see a fluffy white cat, it had an aura of an all knowing presence which scared but also amused me. Crouching down, the feline crawled towards me, doing that evil cat smirk Ranulf did.

"I'd say you're too small to be a Laguz, maybe you're just a smart cat yeah?" I asked it.

It nuzzled it's head against my hand, and I laughed, "Well see you later little fella," and walked into the bar.

The bar was a cozy establishment, filled with nicely broken in chairs, stools and tables, all equally cozy and worn in. There were few people in the bar, but all who were there seemed like satisfied regulars, enjoying their time there. I walked up to the bar, sitting down and looking around further. Suddenly, a woman who I presumed was the bartender, came in front of me.

"Hello handsome, what brings you around here? I'm Telma, I own this here tavern." She leaned on her arm, looking at me with a smile plastered on her face.

She was a large woman, (everywhere really) with thick dark hair. She seemed older, but still not retired of her flirting days.

"I'm Ike, I'm looking for someone, but in the mean time, I need a drink." I told her.

She chuckled, "I call you handsome like the last fellow here, neither of you say a thing about that! Haha, the real makings of a hero and a man if you ask me, these royal soldiers put up a front that they're all that, but when the real storm comes, it's the handsome, shy village boy that wins the bread, while they cower in here."

My eyes widened, "Wh- who are you talking about?" I probably looked like a lost puppy.

"Oh! Haha, the two most dashing men I ever saw know each other now huh? It's a small world we live in Ike. Hmm, his name was Link if I recall, equally brave as he was a beauty. But you already now that, I know that tone." She smiled and continued, "Now what do you want to drink hun? I got-"

"Wait, so you do know him? Can you tell me where he lives? I know the location, but I'm iffy on how to get there you see-" I started.

"Beautiful, but don't know a darn thing about talking to ladies, the both of em, you two are glad you're blessed in other things. His little village? Down south from here, you can't miss it, and a man like you won't have anything to fear there." Telma interjected.

I smiled at the woman and nodded, "Thanks, you know you remind me of a couple of my friends, Telma."

"Do I? Well, be my friend and give me some buisness, what is it you want to drink hun?" She turned around to grab a glass.

"Anything strong, I wanna get blitzed." I smirked.


A/n: Two chapters in a day and I'm ready to sleep, it's been a long time since I posted (sorry). After I finish finals, I'll write more for and hopefully from then on I'll update regularly. Also more background on Ike bc I love him, if you want more on him just comment. Love y'all - your dutiful author holy shit

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