Chapter 3

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Weeks had passed since the move, and I still hadn't figured out Link. The only things I learned about them were things like hobbies and likes and dislikes. I sighed to myself, it was probably 2am, and here I was staring at the ceiling, wondering who the person to the right of me was. Then I thought, What would Marth do. He is rooming with that kid Pit right? WAIT. Yes, yes. I have been so stupid here thinking I would never find out. I'll ask Pit! I silently congratulated myself on my solution, and came to the decision that I would ask Pit tomorrow.

The next morning (still Ike's pov)
I walked and walked. Why was that winged brat so hard to find? While I was caught up in my thoughts, I ran into something short and soft.
"Hey! Ike, look where you're going!" Said a familiar voice.
"Oh good I found you." I said looking down at Pit. He got to his feet and dusted himself off before asking,
"Huh? What do you need me for Ike?"
I looked around where we were and blushed slightly, how am I gonna ask this? I thought.
"Um, this is kind of sudden but, do you perhaps know what gender Link is?" I asked shyly.
Pit looked lost at what I had just said. For a moment I thought he was going to laugh, but he just tilted his head in confusion.
"Gender?" He started, "What do you mean gender? Link is a Hylian."
I narrowed my eyes to see if he was kidding. He wasn't. How can someone be this stupid? I thought.
"No no, that's not what I mean. I mean what sex are they-" I was interrupted by Pit.
"Sorry man, I'm really lost." He said shrugging his shoulders. I sighed in frustration and picked him up by his shirt.
"Gosh you're an idiot sometimes, what I mean is," I pulled Pit closer causing him to yelp in pain, "is Link a boy or a girl-" I was interrupted by none other Link who was running at us yelling.
"Hey! Put down Pitto!" I immediately dropped him and looked at Link who was catching their breath from running. Pit got up and fixed his shirt that had been messed up by yours truly, and turned to Link and said,
"Thanks man!" Thanks MAN. That's something Pit only says when he is talking to men, when it's a girl he just says something stupid like, "thanks sis," or, "thanks dudette." Link is a boy, and I have a crush on him. Oh god I'm so fucking gay. Those were my last thoughts before passing out on the cold hard floor.

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