Character Profiles!! (not a chapter)

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This is gonna be specs on two our star crossed lovers to begin with, I can take suggestions on who you'd all like to see next!! Also some future characters will pop up in these, but fear not! No spoilers!

Link (Twilight)
Age: 17
Gender: male
Height: 5'5
Race: Hylian
Eyes: blue
Hair: dirty blond
Closest aquaintences: Zelda, Telma, Time, and Midna

Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Origin (in game): Ordon Village, South Hyrule

Likes: animals, fishing, treasure, really anything free, having few close aquaintences, Ike, mysterious phenomena and spirits*, children and peace of mind.
Dislikes: being scammed*** (although it happens often), Zant, Ganon, suprises, darkness, being imprisoned** :((

* Spirits and phenomena have to do with the various things Link encounters in TP and will pop up in this narrative.

** Link first becomes a wolf while imprisoned in TP, this is also how he meets Midna.

*** The bomb shop in Kakariko and the Zora in Lake Hylia- all I'm saying...

Character description*^*: Link is a boy of few words. Therefore, his actions usually serve as his communication to the outside world. He was raised in a small village with a reputation of danger and carried the name Ordon with him as a symbol of competence during his travels. Link grew up with no parents, but had friends throughout his childhood and adolescence. He's found friends in a few people both within and outside his game, but is shy to make new aquaintences. Funnily enough, he attracts more and more support from new people wherever he goes, mostly due to circumstance. His plight in TP shows him to be a dedicated person bent on saving not only those he deems friends, but complete strangers. (Donating to the poor, helping those who are cursed, saving Midna and Ilia etc.) His acts of charity have rightly given him the title of a hero. Link owns a horse named Epona that has seemingly traveled with him throughout lifetimes. Link's predecessor was the Hero of Time, and so after killing Zant and Ganon, Link became the Hero of Light. People often mistake him for the Hero of Time which has led to either good or bad consequences depending on who mistakes him. His abilities are all that of his predecessors including the ability to shapeshift into a wolf with his share of the triforce. Being one of the strongest 'Links' in the The Legend of Zelda series, Link is both feared and admired. He does not know this. He's not completely aloof, however, and does know that he is one of the strongest of his kind, something he doubts but is proud of no less.

*^*: Link is never written to have a distinct personality in really any TLoZ game due to the fact 'Link' is really supposed to be you, the player. If his description is less than desired, this is why, sorry y'all T^T - Neph


Age: 20
Gender: male
Height: 6'5
Race: Beorc
Eyes: blue
Hair: dark blue
Closest aquaintences: Soren, Titania, Mist (sister) and Ranulf

Origin: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Origin (in game): Gallia, Tellius* (birthplace) Crimea, Tellius* (ages 7-17, where Path of Radiance begins)

Likes: spicy food** (meat usually), sparring, meeting new people, traveling, simplicity, parity, and family
Dislikes: sweets**, racism***, the nobility and hallmarks of noble life in general***, being hit on, and betrayal.

* Tellius is the name of the continent Ike's games are set in, similar to Archanea for Marth and Lucina, Jugdral for Sigurd and Seliph, etc. Names of continents are important in defining characters in this series. Ike, Micaiah and Elincia are considered the Tellius lords and PoR and RD the Tellius games. Names of continents will pop up a lot when discussing FE so don't get confused!!

** Contrary to popular belief, Ike's favorite food isn't chicken nuggets! These are the canon foods that he likes and dislikes as described by Soren mostly in PoR.

*** Racism and the corrupt nobility are the two conflicts in both of Ike's games. These two topics run deep and would take me over a thousand words to explain, but basically, there's two races in the Tellius games: Beorc and Laguz. Ranulf is an example of a  Laguz, while Ike is an example of a Beorc. Racism runs deep throughout the continent, so in addition to fighting a world war, Ike has to deal with the issues involving the races throughout PoR and then again in RD. In addition to the two races, the offspring of a Laguz and a Beorc is called a Branded. Branded have no place in society and are considered abominations of the Goddess. Soren is an example of this. Several problems (and wars) follow the differences between the races and the whole subject is what Ike is known for in the FE series. With that aside, the whole nobility deal is that in Begnion (a country in Tellius), the nobility participates in the outlawed Laguz slave trade, tries to murder the Empress and is corrupt in general so naturally our pure-of-heart Ike hates them. In Crimea, after Ike gives up his title as a Lord for various political and personal reasons post-PoR (Ike didn't do anything wrong he just didn't want to be murdered by jealous nobles and didn't like the lifestyle anyway...), the nobility plots a coup de' tat against Elincia (Ike's bestie) and- no spoilers, but Ike then hates them too. (PoR and RD are really underrated games but if you're interested in this, then download an emulator and play these!! - Neph)

Character description: Since Ike originates from an RPG, more is known about his character and personality than is Link's. (A/N: this also makes things difficult as an author so suggestions for Link's personality are always welcome) He's an extremely blunt and honest person who is a natural in giving strict orders as a general. Ike has no problem as coming off as harsh and doesn't spare anyone's feelings if he feels someone needs to be reprimanded. On the flipside however, Ike is unmatched in kindness even going as far as to give enemies supplies so their people don't starve. He is extremely stoic but makes up for this his empathy for the plights and conditions of others. Ike was born Beorc in a Laguz country named Gallia. His mother died when he was seven but he didn't remember this or any previous memories until he was twenty due to the fact that his memories were erased. After that, he grew up in Crimea with his father and their mercenary band. When his father died, Ike was seventeen and his sister Mist fourteen. Ike had to take responsibility for the mercenary band against his will during the early stages of the Mad King's War. He became a general through merit and service and was even knighted as a Lord. This makes him the only FE lord to not come from noble blood. Despite having myriad friends all over the continent, Ike chooses to be alone and like Link, is generally of few words. He considers his friends as close to him as family, going so far as to fight wars for them. Ike doesn't seem to be a conventionally happy individual and comes off as crude to many he meets, especially nobles and those of the upper class. To Laguz, he comes off as extremely hardworking to the point where many have called him crazed and naive. His naivety, especially as a seventeen year old in PoR, is hidden behind his stoic demeanor which betrays him. To the outside world, he seemed capable and dependable, on the inside, he had bouts of depression and was extremely unprepared for his father's death. However, by the events of RD, Ike's mind had grown to fit his image. Ike has the reputation as the strongest Fire Emblem Lord. He knows this, but is seemingly indifferent to it. When challenged for the position, Ike always accepts and genuinely likes to spar. Ike is remembered in history as both the Radiant Hero, and the Hero of Blue Flames.


A/N: Those are our two main boys! Request who you wanna see next! -Nepheneee

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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