Chapter 8

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"Well shit." I said looking at the man in front of me.
He was about as tall as me with muddy dark blue hair that was pushed back by a headband. A tattered and age-worn version of the Ragnell was propped squarely on his shoulder, his eyes were wide with shock.

"It's really you... I guess." He said slowly stepping back and leaning the Ragnell against the wall.

At this point, the young king on my shoulder started to awaken. His eyes opened slowly before he realized he was 6 feet off the ground.

"Hmm, I wonder... am I dead yet?" He yawned out.

I rolled my eyes before setting him on his feet. He walked lazily into the stranger before looking up and saying, "Oh! That hair, that sword! Even the blasted headband! You must be a descendant of Ike!"

Descendant? I thought as Marth gently pushed me towards the man. Marth was married and had children, but me? I'd never thought of any woman as more than a companion. Thinking deeply and recalling the events of last night and my feelings for Link, I felt my knees go weak as well as the rest of my being. Sinking to the ground I muttered, "I haven't felt this weak since father died."



"Ah he fainted! And he didn't even hear your name!" I said slightly dissapointed.

"Was I... too shocking?" The boy asked.

"Hmm, I don't think so; to be honest I don't know what's wrong. Maybe having a descendant reminds him of his own parents." I said thoughtfully.

"His parents huh? What do you know about them." He asked picking Ike up and carrying him in the direction of the infirmary. "Tell me on the way to the infirmary please."

I smiled at him and nodded, "Of course! Hmm, let's start with his mother. Ike's mother was a kind priestess named Elena. She had blue hair and green eyes and died when Ike and his sister Mist were young in a tragic accident protecting their father. Ike doesn't remember her very well and the memory of her dying was erased from his mind because it proved to be too much for him. The only reason I know so much about his parents is because of a woman named Titania who helped Ike's father raise him and his sister after his mother passed. Anyway moving on: Ike's father. His name was Greil and he had brown hair and blue eyes. He was a rough and tough mercenary leader that treated everyone in his group like family. Greil was hard on Ike when he trained him but that was because he wanted him to take over the mercenary group that Greil had founded. After Greil was murdered, Ike did just that. He was close to his father so maybe seeing you messed with his mind."

We stopped at the infirmary and the boy set him down on a bed.

"Marth was it? Thank you for telling me about him. By the way, my name is Priam some people call me Paris as well," he said sitting down in a chair next to the bed that Ike was laying in.

"Oh you're welcome Paris. Feel free to ask me anything. Aw, look at you staying beside him until he wakes up. Although I would do the same if my ancestor Anri showed up out of nowhere." I said.

"Yes," Paris said, "I have some questions for him, and one more for you, your highness."

I pulled up a chair next to him and sat down, crossing my legs and waiting for him to start talking.

"Does he have anyone?" Paris asked.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion at the question.

"Anyone?" I started, "that's quite vague, family wise he has his younger sister, friend wise I guess you could say to list a few Titania, Soren, Oscar, Ranulf, Mia and many others from his mercenary group. From this game he's made some friends as well: Me as well as the rest of the Fire Emblem characters, the tall and successful bounty hunter Samus Aran, Queen Zelda, and her friend Link. Romantically? I've never heard him talk romantically about anyone. There was a princess that he escorted somewhere and I think she may have loved him, but the feeling certainly wasn't returned. I even heard she got married! He's very distant and somewhat quite for a leader. If he ever fell in love, it would probably be with someone equally as quite if not more. Currently he's rooming with that boy I mentioned earlier Link. He's from Zelda and he should know what to do with Ike once he's ready to leave here. Otherwise I would ask Titania. Shes a lovely woman really!"

I got up and nodded to Paris before strolling out of the infirmary.



"If you need anything else, I'll be in the recroom attempting to talk to my frantic descendants." And so the young king left.

I kept my eyes on him as he walked away. It felt so odd to see the legends I'd heard about as a child here so full of life walking, breathing, and telling stories of the times when they lived. Looking at Ike, I could really see why they called him the radiant hero. His unruly shock of blue hair was nothing short of electrifying. It was nothing like mine or even Marth's. Just like Roy's hair was an incomparable shade of red.

He started to wake up, slowly opening his eyes and sitting up. He looked at me and realization hit him. His eyes widened before he shut them again and ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up further.

"Are you... alright?" I asked.

"Oh I'm fine now. You wouldn't believe the week I've had. Anyway, thank you for bringing me here, I'm terribly sorry for passing out like that, it's just I'm-" He started.

"Shocked." I finished.

"Yep. Anyway what's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Priam, or Paris either one works; I'm your descendant although I've never been to Tellius, the continent you're from." I said.

"That makes sense, I left that place and my mercenary group after everything happened and Soren and I went traveling. When I come here I get to see everyone, it's pretty nice. I'm guessing you have some questions about my story then." He said.

My eyes widened. "Yes! I want to hear everything. There isn't much detail in what's written about you outside of Tellius. There is so much I don't know, the laguz tribes, the genocide of Serenes forest, The Mad King's War, Queen Micaiah, Ashera and Yune- the books only skim the surface. I'm not usually intrigued by this stuff but this is my history too isn't it?" I finished.

He smiled, "you're right about that, looks like we'll be here all night."



As Ike talked Priam's ears off, Marth leaned against the wall outside the infirmary, a smile on his face.

"Well I'd be suprised, but Ike truly is a nice boy isn't he." Marth said softly to no one, he walked away in the direction of the recroom.


A/N: Wow, some legitimate background on Ike, (Yes I didn't make that up) I feel like most people reading this don't know that much about him so I wrote this chapter.  He isnt just a stoic jock yknow. And no don't worry, next chapter with him won't be a complete history of Tellius (Unless you want one ;) ] Link will be in the next chapter and that's where things get tricky. I'll try to update more often from now on. Thanks for reading!
- Dani (a Fire Emblem/Zelda expert yeet)

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