Chapter 5

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I shifted uncomfortably, but that only made Ike's smirk widen.
"N-no, I'm not like that!" I exclaimed.
"From what I know, 50% of males that say they aren't like that, are like that." Ike said rather confidently.
I turned my head to the right to avoid Ike from seeing the blush that suddenly appeared on my face. I'm not gay, am I? I thought bashfully. Before I could protest further, Ike pinned me down, crashing his lips onto mine. I felt weak under his hold, the blush on my cheeks turned to a dark red as I felt a hand graze the skin under my shirt.
"Nnng." I groaned as I felt a pair of lips suck on my collarbone.
Ike leaned back, smirking triumphantly.
"Well well, you seem to be a happy costumer." He sneered, looking down at the bulge in my clothes.
"I h-hate you." I choked out, the color of my face putting even Roy's hair to shame.
"These clothes must be uncomfortable, right? I'll take them off for you." He said devilishly.
His eyes scanned my outfit and his devilish smile, turned into a frustrated frown.
"Well dammit." He said, tugging at the leathers straps around my clothes.
I giggled watching him attempt to take off my clothing. Tugging soon became pulling and I suffered under Ike.
"No! Stop pulling you're making them tighter!" I yelped.
"Oh sorry." Ike said apologetically.
I started to undress myself with dark blue eyes watching my every move.
"What are staring at?" Link asked, embarrassed.
Ike leaned into Link's ear and whispered, "I've got my eye on the prize."
Before I could say anything, Ike pulled his cape off and the rest of his clothing. I gasped in suprise at his ripped chest and toned arms.
He merely chuckled before taking off his tattered, dark green headband.
"Your headband?" I started, "is that really necessary?"
Ike only smirked as he leaned in with his headband before wrapping the cloth around my eyes.
The next thing I felt were Ike's lips on my neck sucking softly on a certain part of my neck.
"Nng." I moaned.
Ike's lips trailed down to my boxers. With his teeth, he pulled the article of clothing off and started on pleasing me further.
I could feel Ike's mouth wrap around the head of my member, sending chills throughout my spine. As Ike sucked me, I felt a finger probe the entrance of my ass.
"Ah!" I squealed, by this time, Ike was pumping me with his free hand.
"Don't worry, just relax, I'll go slow." Ike cooed soothingly.
He then took my body and postioned me so I was on my hands and knees.
Ike inserted another finger in me, slowly going in and out and now using a scissoring motion. I grunted in pain so Ike pumped me faster in order to take some of the pain away.
3rd person pov
As Ike conditioned Link, he got harder and harder with every moan from his Hylian partner. The small blonde underneath him suddenly gasped and covered his mouth as Ike touched a certain spot.
Ike smirked and hit the same spot, receiving the same reaction. As Ike touched the spot, the blond's knees gave in as he whimpered,
"No, it's t-too much!"
Ike pulled his fingers out and postioned himself at Link's entrance.
He put his member in slowly. Link gasped, tears brimming at his eyes from the pain. Nothing could've prepared him for Ike. He wanted to stop then, but he heard,
"Link are you okay? Do you want to stop?"
Ike felt guilty at the pain he was putting through his small partner. As much as his dick controlled his brain, his heart did too. Ike fought for his friends and he also fucked his friends- well not really but you get the point.
Upon hearing this, Link himself felt bad. He shook his head,
"I-ill be fine."
Ike took the initiative while massaging Link's hips in order to relive him of some pressure.
Once Ike thought Link had gotten used to him, he said,
"Is it okay if I move?"
Link nodded his head while biting the end of weathered headband.
Ike moved slowly at first and continuely got faster.
Link bit down into the headband as Ike quickened and strengthened his thrusts.
For the second time, Link was at a loss for words as Ike hit that spot.
Again his knees gave in, and he had to be held up by Ike.
"There-there!" Link screamed.
Ike hit the spot over and over again while Link screamed his name.
"Ike! I'm gonna-" Link started.
"Yeah, me too." Ike said.
Link turned his head around, kissing the older male passionately as Ike quickened his thrusts.
"Ugh," the duo said as they both came.
Your welcome ;)

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