Chapter 14 *Yaoi*

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"Hnn-" I groaned while waking up.

As I yawned and sat up on Link's bed, I saw it's owner lazily sleeping on my chest, arms spread out without a care in the world. I looked at him, realizing how small he was compared to me. He was still developing, and well, a completely different race than me, but I always forgot how little he really was.

After five minutes of creepy staring, I started thinking. Is he gonna get the hell out of dodge again? That was embarrassing enough the first time, I don't want that to happen again.

I looked around the bed, (which was basically it's own little loft) and saw a neatly wound up rope on the ground.

"Why would you have- you know what? I shouldn't be talking, I carry discount lube around." I said while carefully getting up from under Link.

I grabbed the rope and got to work.



"Twilight that's illegal! (Well not really but) Stop screwing him!" Said Time, annoyed.

"Then he's my partner in crime, old man, and no." I spoke with sarcasm, all the while also checking my nails.

"I can't believe even though I come to you in a dream, you still don't listen. YOU'RE GOING TO GET PREGNANT." He leaned in to my face.

"It's my life, grandpa; and for the record, our children would be beautiful." I finished, getting up from the dream chair and walking towards the door to reality, "If you want to cock block me again, do it before we have sex."

"Insolent boy! I hope he wakes you up with a dick appointment!" Time's voice faded away as I woke up slowly.
"Huh?" I groggily asked, looking around me.

Ike was hovering over me, tying something to the bed. His face looked determined and hard. I blushed at it before looking up.

"What the hell? Ike, what are you doing?" I said exasperated, looking at my hands which had been (a little too) expertly tied to the headboard.

"Oh, you're up- you ran away last time!" He said.

"I had to meet with Zelda!" I said defensively.

"Oh yeah, and I bet Soren was there too! You really think I'm gonna believe that?" Ike spoke, sounding irritated.

"But he was there! For real! You can ask him. I didn't mean to hurt you, Ike!" I cried.

Ike sighed, running a hand through his hair. He was still shirtless, but he didn't really seem to care. I did, however, he was still on top of me, and the skin to skin contact wasn't helping the tension in the room.

Ike looked down at me, suddenly his eyebrows raising in realization. A grin crossed his face,

"Do you want to make it up to me?" He said playfully.

"For someone known for being blunt, you beat around the bush when it comes to sex, Ike." I said while rolling my eyes, "Just start already!"

I felt a warm wet sensation on my neck while a hand crept up my thigh. Gasping, I felt Ike insert two of his fingers into me. My back arched in pleasure, and he spent little time getting me prepared.

My eyes opened and looked down at his cock, which he had taken out and placed on my thigh, "Are you ready?" He asked.

I nodded quickly. Ike grabbed my thighs and entered himself into me, placing my legs over his shoulders. He grabbed my hips and started slowly, easing me onto him carefully.

My breath quickened as Ike went faster, "Ha- ahh!" I moaned as he hit my spot, "Go faster- ah!"

Ike continued thrusting, ever so roughly while making occasional grunts or sharp exhales. I wanted to grab onto the sheets, but alas my hands were tightly bound to the headboard, and my only freedom was move my legs around. Upon noticing this, Ike put my legs to his sides, and hovered over me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt him kiss me.

Ike grabbed my waist, snaking his hands near my stomach where his dick was bulging through. He pushed down on the area firmly, causing me to yelp and cum prematurely.

"Why did you hit there!" I whined, feeling Ike's cock fuck me faster.

"I know how your body works, do you?" Ike said seductively, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing me.

I moaned into it, feeling myself build up for another orgasm. Ike got quicker, and sucked my neck greedily while groaning, sending vibrations through my body.

"I'm close- again!" I squeaked out.

"Me too, hold on.~" Ike spoke passionately.

A couple more thrusts later, and I came a second time, feeling Ike's load spill into me.

"Ugh~" He groaned, pulling out.

Ike quickly untied the rope from my hands, and pulled me onto his lap, hugging my waist and kissing everywhere on my face.

"Hahaha! Stop it!" I laughed, pushing him away.

"Stop what?" He smirked, grabbing my arms with one hand and continuing, "I can't help it, I l-"

My eyes widened, "Huh?!" I gasped, looking at Ike.

His face changed, a serious swept his features as he set me down on the other side of the bed.

"Link, I think it's time I told you how I feel. I'm not very good at this so bear with me." He started. I crossed my legs and looked up at him, nodding.

"The past few days have been... well, horrid, but my time with you made them worth while. I've haven't felt like this since before I was seventeen, partly because of the war and what not. I never had time to think about myself or how I felt, and after the war was won, I slept my problems away with strangers. But I never felt anything, and when war struck the country three years later, I just felt more numb. After that, Soren and I left the continent, I think I would've died living there any longer. I'm glad I came back here, conflicts in this universe are solved as team effort, and aren't created over horrible things like racism and corruption like where I'm from. Basically what I'm saying is, you've made me feel validated and cared for, by someone closer than friend. I might sound like a jackass, since I've only really talked to you for a little over a month and thought you were a girl; but I want you to know Link, I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?" He finished, there was a small pause.

I blinked at first, then smiled and reached out and wrapped my arms around the mercenary's neck kissing him.

He kissed back and pulled me into him, then pulled away to ask, "So is that a yes?"

I nodded happily and ran a hand through my hair, "Of course! Why wouldn't I date the man I love," I giggled, kissing him again.

"And don't call yourself a jackass! We've known each other for years, Ike." I said, defending him.

"All the years we never talked?" He started, raising his eyebrows and shaking his head, "Just forget about those, they don't count, from now on I'm spending every minute I can with you. I don't like how we started off because I was horny, I want this to be meaningful." Ike finished, combing a hand through my hair.

"Well, I guess I can't complain," I said before kissing him again.


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