Chapter 12

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After leaving Castle Town, the sun had just started to set, the sky looked golden and beautiful, hmm... just like Ike's sword, I thought carelessly.

"Huh! Oh look at me, daydreaming about some one night stand. I-I can't go back to our room yet, it's too embarassing, I think I'll just go home. Ordon sounds nice right about now." I said as I trotted back to the rec room.

Back on my own game's soil, the grass beneath me made a slight healthy crunch, filling me with an odd kinda of happiness. I loved being back in Hyrule after so many weeks in the Smash dorms. Don't get me wrong, they were nice, but being around large groups of people was almost maddening, and my little home in the woods felt much more settling. I walked to the south of Hyrule Field, remembering how many times that I ran through here on my journey.

Finally, I made it home, walking through my village. I heard a noise all a sudden, it was distant, but loud enough to make my ears perk up. With that, I ran to my house, opening the door and closing it proper. It was nice to be home for once in what felt like years. I climbed up to my bed and laid down, smiling at the comfort of my own bed.

Just as I was about to finally sleep, I heard my front door swing open.

"Liiink? Liiiiiiink I wanna seeee you." I listened to the invader say in a drunken slur.

Oh god! It's him! Why is he here? I need to make sure he doesn't see me- my thoughts were interrupted by, "Oh Link I thought I neveeeer find youuuu~" Gods he was quick. Ike had a blush on his face as he drunkenly confided.

The blush he had tinting his cheeks was cute but also horrifying, he was piss drunk!

"Ike, why are you here! You're drunk and you shouldn't be out, especially not around here!" I asked worridly. Wandering around Southern Hyrule wasn't on my list of what you'd call safe activities.

"I waaanted to uhm, see you Liiiiiiink," he sat on the bed and pulled me into his chest, burying his face into my hair, "you're so puuuurty, puppy."

"Puppy! I'm no puppy! And," I pushed away from him, "you're drunk! And you think I'm girl too! Don't think I forgot about that either."

My tone was scolding, but it seemed to work, Ike lifted his hand up and stroked my hair as if it'd make me forgive him, "I- I'm sorry puppy, I not that wasted, just really tipsy I swear, and well you do look like a girl!"

"Wh-what? No I don't, I don't even dress like a girl." I crossed my arms and looked at the drunk man.

"I've seen plenty girls dress in 'boy clothes' beforrrre, ahem, I thought you were like them. You got such pretty eyes too puppy, and thick eyelashes and a cute nose and-" He took me by the hand and stared into my eyes with such intensity, I was totally taken back. I had to interrupt him.

"Oh look at you, I shouldn't make you this worked up when you're so vulnerable," I said apologetically while running a hand through his hair, "get some sleep Ike, you can sleep in my bed tonight."

Ike looked at me and smiled before sheepishly asking, "Do you have any food? I haven't eaten all day puppy."

My eyes widened, he spent the whole day looking for me and he didn't eat?
"Yeah! I'll make something, hold on." My voice was weak with guilt. I hugged his waist and kissed him on the nose, "I'll be right back," I said and got up from the bed.

Ike smiled and pulled me back into into his chest, "You're so nice Link, always going out of your way to help peopllle. Ahem, I-I love you."

I looked up at him and giggled, hugging him back, "You just lay here while I get the food ready Ike, I don't think you know what you're saying."
I told him, a happy grin on both our faces.

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