Part 1 'Almost'

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Hwayoung's POV,

"Yah! Stop right there!" I shout and run to him. He's my bestfriend, Kim Taehyung. All of the girls in this school love and adore him so much till I get confuse about his feelings towards the girls. It is because his personality, he's gentleman and handsome guy, for me. He got all the type that all the girls want to become one of his girlfriend. I laugh to myself, why did I think of him so much.

We were friends since childhood. We have the same thoughts, he doesn't treat me like the other girls. So do mine.

"Hahaha, catch me if you can!" He shout from far. "Oh my god! How can he do this to me!" I was mad at him, now we are running, I'm the one who's chasing him. He stealed my diary book from my bagpack. Gosh, wait till I get him. We run till we get at the school's rooftop.

"DEAR DIARY, HOW CAN HE BE SO HANDSOME! MY JUNGKOOKIE!" He read one of the words loudly "YAH!!" I run towards him as I use my hand to headlock his head.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Mian mian. Jjinja. Please~" He begs. I tightened the grip "How dare you stealed my diary!" I mad at him. "Ah, hahahaha, I love you Jungkook oppa, me too~" He laughed as he read it again, but at the same time he begging for me to release my headlock. Slowly, I release my headlock for him.

I can feel the tears are running down from my eyes. I sat down and started to cry. I'm ashamed.

"Yah, why are you crying? Mianhae. Oh?" He feel bad for me. I covered my face and cry even hard. I don't know why he did this to me, he's my bestfriend.

He hug me all of a sudden. I can feel the warm from his hug, I felt relieved. He touch my chin so he could see my face clearly. He look at my face with a sweet smile, then kissed my forehead, like he used to do when I was sad. I look into his eyes, my heart can't stop palpating as he kissed me. 'No, stop... Why do I feel like this..' He smiled at me.

"Don't do that again. I'm not a kid anymore" I said as I awaken from my thoughts. He laughed "Don't cry okay? Little baby~" He tease me. "Yah!" I shout. I stand up and start to catch him back as he runs away. He is my happy pills anyway. I smiled as I run to him.

School is over.
"Yah~ let's go together." I walk a bit faster chasing him from behind. "Why do you always walk so slowly." He said, more in sarcastic way. "You're always like this. Walk faster Hwayoung-ah" He continued "Blame your own leg. It's too long!" I moan as chase him.

He laughed. "Faster. I want to eat eommeoni's food. I'm hungry" He said smirking over me. "It's my mother you punk! Go ask your mom for your own food." "Yah~, your mom is my mom too. And, my mom is your mom too." He talked like a childish to me. "Ew~ Hahaha! Run!" We raced up to my house.

"Eomma! I'm home!" I shouted from living room. "I'm at the kitchen honey~." "Eommeoni~" all of sudden Taehyung's voice whine as he go towards my mom, Mrs. Lee and he hug her.

"Yah! That's my mom!" I hit his head. Taehyung rubs his head because of the pain. "What are you doing." Said Mrs.lee "Eomma!" I yelled and started to cry like a baby. "Aigoo~, my children." She laughed, "You both are just like a baby. Go wash yourself then you can eat."

We laughed together and we race to our own room. Kim Taehyung as always, he will stay at my house till dawn. His parents are busy at works. That's not mean that he is lack of love from his parents. They are a happy family. We are like a big family. Our parents are very close to each other, that's the reason why we are close like a siblings.

He has his own room in my house. So do I, has one at his house. We're the only child in the family. He's like a brother to me. He always protect me from everything that obviously danger. I do love him .... as a brother ....

I can't have any feelings towards him. That is sad... I stood up from my seat and take my bagpack, as I open it, there's my diary. Fortunately, it was safe from Taehyung.

"My Secret... Kim Taehyung.." I said.

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