Part 7 'It Hurts'

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Hwayoung's POV,

Jungkook that I've known have been able to make myself laugh. I'm so impressed by that. Somehow, I forgot about the incident about heart breaking incident that happened just now.

Taehyung's POV,

"Aish! Of course you have too! It is for her safety. She could be in danger in any case. But..... She could take care of herself... Aih, no no no. I must follow her." Then a tap could be felt on my shoulder. "Aish." I swap it away, it's disturbing my attention.

"Taehyung-ssi.." Someone called my name. Maybe it's not me and it's just the same name as I am. "Taehyung-ssi.." Once again, someone called my name. I turned around and find out it was Hyeri who's been stalking behind me.

"Oh! Kim Hyeri?!" I shouted then close my mouth quickly. Afraid if Hwayoung Or Taehyung heard it. "What are doing here?" I foolishly ask her with a whisper voice. "What do you mean by 'What am I doing here?' Of course, I'm in the midle of my shopping time. And you, what are doing here? Ridden here?" She said loudly. I pulled her hand to make her sitting squat like me. Oppss, I think I pulled her hand to hard that makes our faces close enough to feel her breath. 'Shit!'.

"Taehyung?" The owner of the voice makes my heart trembled with speed. It's Hwayoung's voice. I turned around. Jungkook beside her with same expression on me. I stand up quickly. "Taehyung-ah, What are you doing here?" She adds. "With... Hyeri?" I couldn't say anything because she keeps going on with her curiosity over me. I sigh.

"Ye....Yes! just now, I bumped into her so I decided to join her with her shopping. I was just getting ready to go back to home now... How was your date, with him?" I bluntly ask her. Since I've got nothing else to say. I was caught red-handed. What have I done...

Hwayoung's POV,

I was about to say something too when I saw Taehyung with Hyeri, it breaks me apart. I want to cry badly.

Jungkook pull me closer to him as Taehyung ask how was my date with him. This was a sudden reacts by him. But I just let It happen, maybe because of my broken heart. "Yeah, we're good. Nice to meet you guys here. We are going to somewhere else now. See you guys by any chance. Bye~" He said cooly, but still have his sweet smile on.


"Hwayoung-ssi, are you okay? You look pale. You want anything?" We sit on the branch for a moment. He look at me with a guilty face. "Oh? Do I? It's okay, I just need some rest I think." Why do I feel like this right now. Ugh! I'm such a stupid girl. Hoping the thing that will never going to happen. Pabo! I closed my eyes. I can feel Jungkook right hand on top of my head to feel if I had a fever. "You can't be like this, gaja" He held my right hand tightly. He brought me to the game centre.

I blanked.... wha...what. "Jungkook-ah, what are we doing here? You're joking right?" I ask him. He laugh. "I don't like to see my beautiful girl sad. And that makes me sad too. Gaja, let's have some fun that will make you happy and smiled again. Release your stress." 'My.Beautiful.Girl.????' What he meant? "What did you say?" I ask him again. He is not reply me instead of that, he pulled my hand to go inside. Maybe I missheard. I just let it go.

We played as much as we do. It's fun. I thought it would be a bored day, it wasn't . He is better than what I think.

"This is my house." He help me walked to my home safely. "It looks like this is the end of our day. time passes quickly. Hehe." He look sad. "Yeah. Uhm, gomawoyo Jungkook-ssi." I thanked him. "Hwayoung-ah..." He paused. "Can I hug you?" What a sudden question. "Mo.... meo?" I shocked. He hug me tightly before hearing my answer. I froze, I can't move. I can hear his heart beats fast. My heart will explode in any time. Then, I can hear he release a deeply sigh from his mouth. "Jungkook-ah" I called him after realize that we been hugging almost 5 minutes. I wake up from my dream. "Oh... mianhae." He said. He release me from his hug. "Thanks for letting me hug you." He smiled. "I... I..." Ugh! I'm trembling right now! Gosh! "Haha, it's okay. You don't need to say anything. You must have been shocked by my sudden reaction. I'm sorry, I just can't control myself when I'm with you." He grin. "Oh?" Stop being stupid! What do I do?! "I'm leaving, annyeong~" He waves to me, so did I.

Then I spot Taehyung, looking at me. I was shocked that he may have seen me and Jungkook hugging. I acted like I didn't see him. I didn't bother about him and walk away. He pinch my shoulder, "What?" I turn to face him and seeing him smiling foolishly. "How's your date? Hmm." He eagerly waiting. I clenched my teeth.

"I won't tell you, but I'll ask you... what did you do at the mall before? Are you following me?" His expression changed. Maybe he stunned by my question.

"Uhm, well.... actually..." He stopped for a moment "I'm not following you. Of course not. It is Hyeri who brought me there. You saw us. What do I need to say? I can hangout with anyone I like too.." He said. I just sigh, whether to believe him or not.

"Oh, okay. It just... I just want a certainty." I said. As he answered me, I don't have any words to talk about. So I left him.

I entered into my room. Feeling unsure about something. "Aih! Why am I so burden to think about he was following me? Of course he's not going too.. Just stop it Hwayoung.. just stop..." My eyes start to water when I knew that I may not be able to forget about him. Why should I have this kind of feelings towards him? Even so, he won't feel the same way as mine. Never. Forget it. I hate the way I feel right now. I want to kill myself. How I wish that I could wake up with amnesia.....


Will continue asap ;*

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