Part 15 'Can't Handle It'

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Hwayoung's POV,

"Hwayoung-ah, just hear eomma this once. Now, eat your porridge and rest more. Don't do this to eomma~" She make a innocent face to me. "Arasso, arasso. I'm not going to school okay." I admit that i'm defeated. She looks happy, she leaves my porridge on my thighs.


Done eating the porridge then I went back to lie down. I saw my teddy bear besides Taehyung pillow. It has a sticker at the teddy bear forehead. I take off it and read it.

'Rest for today. Don't force yourself. Mianhae. let's talk after school's over. Wait for me.

Love Taehyung xoxo.'

Hu~ i'm so stupid. Why did I act like a losing lover. Gosh!

It's 3 o'clock now. I'm sitting at the living room, waiting for Taehyung to come home as he told me to wait for him.

"Hwayoung-ah, I'm going to go out with your appa for a while. Don't wait for us, okay. Rest well." She kiss my forehead before she leaves me. "We're leaving okay." He waves at me.


Hyeri's POV,

"Hem~ hem~" I'm on my way to the teacher office to give some books of mine. "What? Hwayoung's leg sprain last night?" I stopped my footstep "Yes, I must go home early today." Oh? It's Taehyung voice. but why did he...

"So you're saying that you can't go to extra class and you must took care of her. Okay, I get it. I know that you both were like a siblings, but not. So I let you dismiss this time. You can go back to your classroom." Our class teacher gave him excuse to not go to extra class. "Kamsamhabnida." He bow and leave the office. I hurriedly hide. Why did he want to take care of her. I won't let that happen. Even they were like siblings. He's my boyfriend! He's mine!

Taehyung's POV,

The bell rings, it's time to go home. She must be waiting for me. I'll better get going. "Taehyung-ah, let's go together!" Hyeri called me. She hug my arm tightly. "Yah, namja chingu. Why did you leave me behind?" She seems serious. "Haha, forget about it. Let's go, I've got something to show you. Some place that you might love it." I stop. "Wait, you didn't go to extra class?" It's weird. "Nope." She pulled my arm so that we move faster. "But... but..."

"Taehyung-ah, this ice-cream was so good. You must try it, let's get some." She open the door and we enter the store. "Hyeri-ah, I must..." "Ah~" She give me a spoon of ice-cream to my mouth. I just eat it without a words.

We at the playground now. nobody's here, I keep looking at my watch. It's almost 5 o'clock. "Hyeri-ah, let's go next time okay. You has bring me to many place today. I need to get home now." I stand up and about to walked. "khajima~" She cut my word and hold my hand all of sudden. "Wha... what?" I barely shocked. "Taehyung-ah, I know that you must be a bestfriend of her. But don't leave me just because of her. You are my boyfriend." She say to me with a hoarse voice.

"What do you mean? So you know what's the reason that i'm going home earlier? know and you try to stop me from going home and take care of Hwayoung?" She nodded his head. My heart is going to blow in a second.

"What are you thinking?! She's my bestfriend. She needs me now, by her side. She's your friend, you know how much I push her away just because of you. I don't want you to break your heart. Because I didn't give you any attention. I broke her heart because of you!" I stop my words. I deeply sigh. 'Hwayoung-ah, mianhae.' I keep saying those words in my heart. "Because of me?" She stare at me.

"Let's talk about it later, I don't want to talk about it now. I'm too late." I pat her head, then I sighed. I ran as fast as I can. I look at my watch and it's 5.30pm.

I open the door harshly without thinking that I might broke the door. "Lee Hwayoung!" I saw her. She's sleeping at the living room without a blanket or a pillows. I look a her sweetly. I kneel infront of her. She must be waiting for me. Smoothly I hold her hair. She's beautiful, that's the fact that I didn't realize until now. She's different than the other girls that I know at my school. I kiss her forehead slowly. I may out of my mind right now. But I can't handle of myself. I keep making mistake to her. I'm sorry Hwayoung-ah. Mianhae....

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