Part 21 'I'll Be Happy For You'

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Hwayoung's POV,

"Sorry for being slow to realize that I had the same feeling towards you." He hold my hand. He wipes my tears. "You're ruining your makeup." I punch his stomach. "Ouch, hahaha." "I'm not wearing any makeup. I'm not that type." I frowned. "Really?" He zoom my face. He pinched my cheek. "Kaja, halmeoni must be worried about me. Haha. I just left her like that." He drag my hand with him so we walk together.


I laughed hardly. He's so funny. He acted cute at me. "Aigoo~ where were you going just now? You make a woman at this age worry about you." Halmeoni standing infront of the house. We let go off our hand quickly. "Oh, haha. None. Don't worry." He said "jjinja? Okay, get in the house."

He look around finding something that missing. "Halmeoni, where's my friend?" I look at him. "He said that he walk with you. You're not with him? Yah, go and find him. He will lose at out village." She hit Taehyung's shoulder. "Taehyung-ah, who's coming with you?" I hold his shoulder. He smiled. He makes me curious. "Halmeoni, don't worry. He's a capable man. Now... let's eat." "Are you sure?" Halmeoni ask. "Of Course!" He said with confident.

Lee Yeonhee's POV (Hwayoung's cousin),

"Annyeonghi jumusyeoss-eoyo.." I said good morning as I entered Aunt Nam grocery store, but there's no one in there.

"Yeonhee-ah~" I heard her voice calling me from the back of the grocery store.
"Ye, imo..(aunt)" I replied as I fastened my feet to the back. I discovered that she is doing some cleaning. I look at all the messy and chaotic empty box behind.

"Eh~, imo, there's no way we could clean all this mess. It's huge problem!" I said. Making a hand gestures to express the huge amount of empty boxes. She chuckle at the way I said it. "Eih, that's why I called you. I want you to help. Hehe.." Well, I don't mind at all for helping out with someone.

Since I got onto holiday, I don't have any activity to do. I help her to separate the size of the box accordingly. It is more easier when the boxes were arranged to according its size. I tied half of the folded boxes on my bike, I must take it half first, not wanting it to get rid from my bike as it is so much of it that should bring.

"Imo, I'm going now, I'll come back later." I heard her said yes from the back and start cycling. It is a nice weekend for holiday amd the weather is so nice. I love being in my own village where peace could be felt since it surrounded by nature.

I breath deeply as I enjoying the scenes while cycling. I was about to turn to the corner of the road and saw someone on the other direction. But ended up with violated him.

All was in a chaos. The boxes fell off from its position. I heard the guy, more likely around my age mumbling as he got some wounds all over his exposed ankle and leg because of the impact.

"Ohmo! Yongseohaejusibsio! Gwaenchana?" Definitely a stupid question. "Come, let me take to the grocery stores nearby. They sale some medicine there too." I tried to lift him up, but he is too heavy.. I sigh.

"Erm, I prefer you to walk by your own. Argh, my back.." I didn't dumb him, I pulled him up and place his arm around my shoulder, he'd injured his leg too. There's so much blood flowing through it.

It was relief that Imo's grocery store is not far.

"Imo~ I need your help right now..." I said as I place him on the chair that was set at the front. I turned to see his condition, but my eyes were locked after seeing his face.

'Oh gosh!' I gasp. I assume that he is from Seoul, probably. He got that white milky skin and didn't have any acne scars on his face. If someone ever see him, they probably think he is a girl, but not exactly as they see him carefully. I swear he is more handsome than anyone else that I've ever met before.

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