Part 14 'Regret'

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Hwayoung's POV,

I ignored him and I was going to stand up. But my left ankle is hurt, I lost my stable and fell down again. "Yah, are you okay?" He was going to help me, "No, i'm fine. Just go where you want to go." I keep remembering the scene this afternoon about him and Hyeri. Makes me don't want any help from him.

"Don't be stupid and do you think that you can stand up by yourself. Just let me help you. You've sprained." He help me to stand up again. "I can do it by myself. It's not that hurt. I can't let you always helping me." I stand up again, I try to endure the pain. I walk and almost fell down, luckily I hold Taehyung's door knob.

"You're so stubborn." I can hear his voice even though it's slow. I can feel someone holding my waist and my knee, then he lift me. "Yah, yah. What are you doing?" I was panic as my leg were not at the ground. He's not answering my question. He brings me into his room.

"Yah Kim Taehyung! Put me down!" He put me down at the end of his bed. "Don't go anywhere. Stay here, you can't move. Please, hear me once." He leave to his desk and take out the first aid kit from his drawer. I can't move a little, even though I want to escape from him. I feel bad for him. I know he was just trying to help me. I'm so evil to him.

"Done." He says, after he done at helping me wraping my ankle. He sits beside me.

"I'm out with Hyeri." He say to me. I nodded. "Do you? Glad you are." Sound a little cynical. It hurts the most at my heart than my ankle. He sigh, "She likes me. I don't know what to do. So I just accept her.... Do you hate it? I can break with her now if you want too." I shocked. I look into his eyes. "Are tou stupid?! Do not think you can play with a women's heart. Because it hurts a lot! A LOT!" I push him away. "So.... why did you avoid me? That's what I need to know now." I don't give him any answer.

"Hwayoung-ah, i'm sorry if i'm too harsh to you this evening." I try to endure my tears, but it's too late. The tears flow slowly at my cheeks. Why did it feel so hurt!

Taehyung's POV,

She's crying. I feel sorry for what have I done to her. "Mianhae, It must be hurt for you to see me say like that to you." I want to wipe her tears but she push my hand away. I feel regret for hurting her. Now it's not the time to reconcile with her. It must be pain for her. Well, It's the first time that we fight like this. "I don't want to talk about it. I want to rest." She turned her head facing the other side, not looking at me. Hu~ It's no use to force her.

"Arasso. Just sleep here for tonight. Rest here. I'll sleep at the living room." I can't do anything but let her sleep at my room. Besides, she's unjured now. I help her to lie down.


"Em? Taehyung-ah~ why are you here? Did you sleep here last night?" Eomma accost me after seeing me sitting on the living room sofa. "Oh, eommeoni. Yes, hehe. Ah, don't wake Hwayoung up." I say as soon as I go to the bathroom. All I could think was her. I couldn't sleep in peace last night.

"Eomneoni, i'm going now! See you later!" I shout as I wearing my school shoes. "Arasso, study hard!" I walk by myself to school using my bicycle. It's early in the morning now, and I'm started to feel bored with my life now. It's weird without her.

I want to go home early and settle things out with her.


Hwayoung's POV,

Ugh, I wake myself up. Oh? I'm not in my... uhm, now I remember. About last night. Hu~ I try to wake up, "Eomeo! Don't force yourself to wake up!" Eomma shout when she saw me trying to wake myself up. "Yaish, eomma! You scared me out!" I scrub myself to calm down from a shocked.

"Mianhae, aigoo~nae ttal. So sad just to look at your leg. What happen? And why are you here? At Taehyung's room?" She sat down beside me. She massage my leg smoothly. "Eomma, i'll tell you later okay? I'm going to get ready for school now." Eomma grab my hand.

"Andwae, you're condition is not good. Besides, I made a promise with Taehyung. To not allowed you go to school with your condition like this." She says to me. "What? Promise? Why did you made promise with him? What are..." I take a deep breath before continuing my word. "Eomma, look... I'm okay. It's just a minor injuries. You know me, I'm strong." Why did he make a promise with eomma. He makes eomma more worried about me.

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